public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag p2p

February 2010

YaCy Distributed Web Search

by nhoizey
YaCy is a scalable web search engine with an integrated web crawler and content analysis and managements functions. One YaCy installation can store more than 20 million documents, but in a community of search peers YaCy can provide a search index of unlimited size.

Tucan Manager

by m.meixide
Tucan es una aplicación libre y de código abierto diseñada para la gestión automática de descargas y subidas en sitios de hosting como: * * * * * * * (...)

Projet Odebian

by Elryk & 2 others
Anonymat et respect de la vie privée sur Internet

Open Upload

by m.meixide
Open Upload is a PHP application to create a private / public file download server similar to MegaUpload or RapidShare.

January 2010

Free - Envoi de gros fichiers

by galinette & 19 others (via)
Ses caractéristiques principales du service sont les suivantes : * Taille maximale des fichiers jusqu'à 1 Go (et jusqu'à 10 Go par FTP) * Conservation des fichiers pendant 30 jours à compter de la dernière date de téléchargement. Ainsi, un fichier populaire peut rester très longtemps disponible * Aucune limite sur le nombre de fichiers pouvant être échangés ou téléchargés * Accessible à tout internaute Le service est en perpétuelle évolution. Un historique des changements est disponible à l'adresse suivante :

Linux Manua: 10 antidotes anti-Hadopi

by sammyfisherjr & 6 others
10 antidotes anti-Hadopi : "Afin de contourner HADOPI et vous préparer à la résistance totale et à la riposte face à ce venin totalitaire, vous trouverez ci-dessous les 10 premiers antidotes. D'autres solutions suivront."

December 2009

PowerFolder The secure way to exchange your private data directly

by cascamorto (via)
Share your files - Easy and secure Share photos, music, videos or any kind of files with family and friends - online or at home. Easily grant access to your files via web or direct transfer. PowerFolder doesn't limit the amount of shared data, because it directly works between computers - efficient and secure. Make your files always available - even when you are offline - by creating an online copy. Secure like online banking PowerFolder protects your files with industrial security standards that most banks use. All file transfers, web access and the online copy are encrypted with HTTPS/SSL and AES. Fear data loss? PowerFolder has several layers of data protection. Easily restore previous version of your files from the PowerFolder recycle bin. Access your files - Anywhere at anytime Simply login at and access the online copy of your files via web browser. PowerFolder Pro Home includes 5 gigabytes of online space - that's enough for thousands of photos or music files. If you require more you can upgrade to a larger package - or access your files directly via PowerFolder client without any size limits. Backup your data - Setup and forget Continuously backup your own files online and securely access them via web when you need them. PowerFolder can also directly backup to another computer. 5 gigabytes of online backup space are included in each Home license, and no limitations on your own computers. PowerFolder is worry free: Set it up once and forget it - you data is always backed up. Sync your computers - Automatically Automatically synchronize files between all your computers across Windows, Mac and Linux. PowerFolder keeps the latest version of your files always available everywhere you need it - online or in local home network. Speed and efficiency To minimize the update time PowerFolder syncs only changed parts of a file. Since files can be transferred directly between computers you can unleash the full power of your home network or Internet connection. Got unfinished downloads? PowerFolder automatically resumes them after reconnect. Quickly distribute your files with multi source downloads.

November 2009

October 2009

September 2009

August 2009

July 2009 - Pour un internet libre

by Spone & 6 others
L'objectif de ce wiki est d'établir une base de connaissances communes qui nous permettra à tous de profiter d'Internet et de l'espace de liberté que ce formidable outil nous offre.


by nhoizey & 1 other
Store your files online, share your stuff and browse what other users store in the world's largest multimedia library: The Omemo peer-to-peer virtual hard-drive.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag p2p

anonimo +   SEGURIDADE +   seguro +   torrent +