public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag organization




The Best Featured Workspaces of 2011

by ghis
Featured desktop, some inspiration to get.

Anonymous announces: The Plan

by alamat (via)
Anonymous, the faceless hacktivist organization spawned from the Internet, has released a plan- excuse me- “The Plan.”

by oseres & 12 others
ProjectPier is a Free, Open-Source, PHP application for managing tasks, projects and teams through an intuitive web interface. It must be downloaded and installed on your own web server. ProjectPier will help your organization communicate, collaborate and get things done Its function is similar to commercial groupware/project management products, but allows the freedom and scalability of self-hosting. Even better, it will always be free For video see :


Tab Candy: Making Firefox Tabs Sweet « Aza on Design

by ghis & 1 other
Future Firefox huge feature to organize tabs in groups, share tabs, focus on a specific group. All done in HTML5, CSS and JS.

YouTube - RSA Animate - Drive

by ghis & 1 other (via)
This lively RSA Animate, adapted from Dan Pink's talk at the RSA, illustrates the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace.

Clean Up Your Photo Collection with Free Tools - Organizing - Lifehacker

by ghis (via)
Some softwares for organizing your photos : tagging, organize in folders, fill the metadatas, ...

How to Declutter and Streamline Your Google Reader Inbox - Google Reader - Lifehacker

by ghis (via)
If your Google Reader inbox has grown out of control, and you're spending more time trying to keep up with the flood of news than reading about things you care about, it's time for a little Google Reader spring cleaning.


Facebook | Making Facebook Accessible for Everyone

by naudjf
Carl Augusto is the President and CEO of the American Foundation for the Blind, a U.S.-based non-profit organization that expands possibilities for people with vision loss...


The Acid Sweat Lodge

by smvisuals
the inception of the acid sweat lodge. "Organized for the increase and dissemination of outsider knowledge"

mobaganda* |

by simon_bricolo
Outil simpliste pour organiser un événement (ala doodle)

The Palais des Nations - a Virtual tour

by ycc2106
A l’occasion du 60 e anniversaire de l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU), l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève (ONUG), en partenariat avec la République et canton de Genève, a mis sur pied une visite virtuelle du Palais des Nations. Ce projet a été lancé le 24 octobre dernier, jour marquant officiellement le 60 eanniversaire de l’ONU.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag organization

analog +   freelance +   information +   km +   knowledge +   knowledgemanagement +   paper +   pim +  

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