7 infographies sur le filtre Google Panda
by Environnement2010
Minimize round-trip times
by keusta & 1 otherRound-trip time (RTT) is the time it takes for a client to send a request and the server to send a response over the network, not including the time required for data transfer. That is, it includes the back-and-forth time on the wire, but excludes the time to fully download the transferred bytes (and is therefore unrelated to bandwidth). For example, for a browser to initiate a first-time connection with a web server, it must incur a minimum of 3 RTTs: 1 RTT for DNS name resolution; 1 RTT for TCP connection setup; and 1 RTT for the HTTP request and first byte of the HTTP response. Many web pages require dozens of RTTs.
mrclay.org » Archive » Minify 2.1 on mrclay.org
by keustaA new release of Minify is finally out, and among several new features is the “min” application that makes 2.1 a snap to integrate into most sites. This post walks through the installation of Minify 2.1 on this site.