DeployPHP Series, Part 3: Accelerating PHP Code Performance for Oracle
by mbertier (via)A guide to easy, effective techniques for accelerating your PHP applications
MySQL > Optimisation : recherche des requêtes "lentes"
by nhoizey & 1 other (via)Cet article indique comment pister les requêtes MySQL longues dans leur exécution
MySQL > Optimisation : recherche des requêtes "lentes"
by fastclemmy & 1 otherCet article indique comment pister les requêtes MySQL longues dans leur exécution
Database optimization
by fredbird & 5 othersDatabase management systems implement abstract concepts but do so on real hardware bound by real physical constraints. As a result, queries take time—sometimes an annoyingly long time. Find out how to minimize your wait in this sample chapter.
Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours
by sledge & 27 othersAfter all the work of WASP and others to promote clean markup, valid pages and graceful degradataion via css - it sucks that we're going back to tag soup days by throwing javascript tags into our html.
The better way to do javascript is to do it unobtrusively. PPK and Simon Willison have been recommending this approach for ages. And it's definitely the way to go. The only problem is that it's a bit of a pain in the ass.
That's why I came up with Behaviour - my solution to unobtrusive javascript behaviours.
Efficient JavaScript code - UserJS.org
by sledge & 4 others (via)Opera has one of the fastest and most efficient JavaScript engines of any browser, but when you have multiple User JavaScripts installed, it is important that they run efficiently to keep Opera's performance as high as possible. Well written code will help to minimise the performance impact of User JavaScripts.
Coral: The NYU Distribution Network
by nhoizey & 4 others (via)Un concurrent (sérieux ?) pour Akamai
CSS Formatter and Optimiser/Optimizer (based on CSS Parser CSSPP 0.95)
by kyakya & 38 others (via)CSS Formatter and Optimiser
CSS Formatter and Optimiser/Optimizer (based on CSS Parser CSSPP 0.95)
by nhoizey & 38 others (via)CSS Formatter and Optimiser
HOWTO Optimiser et accélérer votre système - Gentoo Linux Wiki
by communismisdead & 1 otherCe guide est la compilation de nombreux posts des forums Gentoo et de recherches que j'ai menées sur mes ordinateurs en essayant plusieurs programmes et options.
Partage de données, de l'EDI au P2P
by XavierPlus souples, moins coûteux que les processus EDI, des process P2P de partage d'information dans le secteur professionnel (entreprises, administrations, ...) peuvent contribuer à améliorer qualité, diminuer coûts, etc. Exemples : optimisation partagée de stocks, de gestion du personnel, de trésorerie ...