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PUBLIC MARKS with tag opinion

September 2006


by ilatam
Selecciona noticias, las analiza y comenta, de una manera directa, accesible y eficiente. Contiene además breves guías de viajes y selección de enlaces relacionados

August 2006

Spin Brian Springer

by dpansu
L’artiste Brian Springer a passé un an au début des années 1990 à enregistrer avec ses antennes paraboliques le "feed" que les stations de télé envoient aux satellites avant que les topos soient édités et présentés en onde. Cela donne SPIN, un film d’une heure que je ne saurais trop vous recommander car ces images, souvent prises à l’insu du politicien ou de l’animateur en train de se faire maquiller, nous en disent long sur la façon dont les grandes chaînes de télévision s’y prennent pour influencer l’opinion publique.

The Agency Model is Dead - Blue Flavor

by fastclemmy (via)
I hate definitive statements. I struggle to even make such a bold claim. But the belief that "agency model is a dead" is so core to my beliefs as someone that has worked as a creative professional for many years, that I could not ignore it any longer.

July 2006

My Opinion On Everything

by [email protected]
Blog for expressing an opinion on every topic under the sun

June 2006

La maison libre d'ordi

by Mogore
Blogue - Le coin de Nelson -

The Best Stuff in the World!

by slogoo & 17 others
世界上最好的东东?分类浏览,Tag浏览,RSS浏览。首先有感觉的是她的创意:发现共享最好的东东,几乎囊括了所有分类!最有感觉的是她的搜索框,很像 !

May 2006

April 2006

Our "Terrible" World

by SirSmitts
Opinion piece on how the world's problems are never any more or less profound at any given time in history, simply different. Discusses how people of all generations take the myopic viewpoint that the world is at it's worst point while they are alive simply because they are there to experience it

Ratingo - links, ratings and opinions

by preved (via)
The most interesting news, rated by people.

March 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag opinion

BarackObama +   for:pixnaps +   for:soul1383 +   for:uncleweed +   news +   Obama +   politics +