public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags oop & php

July 2007

Yellow Duck Framework

by jdrsantos
The Yellow Duck Framework is an object oriented framework that will help you with creating web applications. It's implemented using the popular PHP web scripting language.

Ruby per applicazioni web

by runen
Manuale di Marco Ceresa sul linguaggio Ruby

June 2007

P4A - PHP For Applications - PHP Framework

by jdrsantos
P4A (PHP For Applications) is a PHP RAD and object oriented PHP framework for building event-driven stateful web applications. It features tableless HTML, accesskey support, auto data type recognition, transparent AJAX, UTF-8, i18n/l10n, PEAR integration.

May 2007

Seagull PHP Framework :: Home

by jdrsantos & 1 other
Seagull is a mature OOP framework for building web, command line and GUI applications. Licensed under BSD, the project allows PHP developers to easily integrate and manage code resources, and build complex applications quickly.

February 2007

PHP5 Exception Use Guidelines

by chantal (via)
Exceptions provide one solution to error handling in programming languages. Exception handling is the major alternative to the usage of special error return codes to signal a function call failure.

January 2007

You're being lied to

by chantal (via)
If you're among the crowd who have migrated an OOP based application from PHP4 to PHP5, then I'm sure you've heard the expression "Objects are copied by reference by default in PHP5". Whoever told you that, was lying.

December 2006

October 2006

August 2006

July 2006

No Starch Press Home Page

by chantal (via)
Livre "object-oriented PHP" Par Peter Lavin

May 2006

March 2006

February 2006

December 2005

November 2005