public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags online & bookmarks

25 May 2006

ReminderFeed - Your RSS Reminder Service

by slogoo & 9 others
ReminderFeed免费提醒服务, 可以直接将提醒内容发至你的Feed阅读器

Wizlite | Collaborative Page Highlighting

by slogoo & 20 others

24 May 2006

Zigtag - Personal Knowledge Library

by slogoo & 4 others
Zigtag还没有发布, 想先期试用该网站的网友可以留下邮箱地址. 该网站可能类似管理个人知识的图书馆.

23 May 2006

Simpy - tagging, social bookmarking and personal search engine

by slogoo & 51 others

06 May 2006

Tagground - The social bookmarking mashup.

by ycc2106 & 4 others
New Ajax social bookmark URL(you can see with what tags one have bookmarked you) and tag search. Says it will be adding more social bookmarking query services almost daily.

05 May 2006

03 May 2006

Social Bookmarking Feeds OPML Generator

by ycc2106
OPML code generator for, Simpy, Connotea, CiteULike and/or Scuttle RSS feeds, with options for URL structures (used by, Connotea and Scuttle) username and tags. Generate an OPML file (or just a list of feed URLs) for , ,

28 April 2006

24 April 2006

Welcome to

by ycc2106 & 2 others
Online personal and collaborative desktop: File storage, semi-social Bookmarks, Personal Startpage, Notebook application, Web agent, Messageboard and Instant Messaging » Video

by ycc2106 & 2 others is the world’s first broadband TV channel dedicated to environmental issues. Each film can be viewed in Flash, QuickTime, Media player, MPEG4 or podcast.

22 April 2006


by ycc2106 & 18 others
MAshup of Pandora and PandoraFM is simple. As you listen to music via the excellent Pandora music service each song gets submitted to your profile on Last.FM. You're listening to music, so why shouldn't you be able to account for it?

21 April 2006


by ycc2106 & 2 others
mynoteIT is an extremely powerful utility for any student at any grade level. You can store all your school information in one place, and access it anywhere in the world instantly.

14 April 2006


by ycc2106
Spotback is a personalized news and rating/sharing site that has very strong features and will give front runners like Newsvine a real run for their money

12 April 2006 - Bookmarks, Feeds

by ycc2106 & 1 other
by webclip they mean saving select text using the bookmarklet, image saving is only for IE

: clipclip

by ycc2106 & 4 others
Social scrapbook where you can clip any part of a page.

11 April 2006

by ycc2106 & 1 other offers a free service which allows you to submit and save your favorite articles/news/website/links at one location that can be accessed from anywhere. It allows you to network with other like- ...

08 April 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag online

canada +   e learning +   education +   educational +   english +   esl +   homeschool +   homeschooling +   kids +   learn +   math +   reading +   Tutor +   usa +