25 May 2006
ReminderFeed - Your RSS Reminder Service
by slogoo & 9 othersReminderFeed免费提醒服务, 可以直接将提醒内容发至你的Feed阅读器
24 May 2006
Zigtag - Personal Knowledge Library
by slogoo & 4 othersZigtag还没有发布, 想先期试用该网站的网友可以留下邮箱地址. 该网站可能类似管理个人知识的图书馆.
23 May 2006
Simpy - tagging, social bookmarking and personal search engine
by slogoo & 51 othersSimpy集合了Tag,Bookmark,个性化搜索引擎服务,而且用户还可以把自己的GoogleAdsense广告嵌入到自己的Bookmark页面里面,不过只能是Adsense广告,Simpy从中不收取任何费用.我很希望del.icio.us也提供这样的功能
06 May 2006
Tagground - The social bookmarking mashup.
by ycc2106 & 4 othersNew Ajax social bookmark URL(you can see with what tags one have bookmarked you) and tag search. Says it will be adding more social bookmarking query services almost daily.
05 May 2006
03 May 2006
Social Bookmarking Feeds OPML Generator
by ycc2106OPML code generator for del.icio.us, Simpy, Connotea, CiteULike and/or Scuttle RSS feeds, with options for URL structures (used by del.ico.us, Connotea and Scuttle) username and tags. Generate an OPML file (or just a list of feed URLs) for , ,
28 April 2006
24 April 2006
Welcome to MyWebDesktop.net
by ycc2106 & 2 othersOnline personal and collaborative desktop: File storage, semi-social Bookmarks, Personal Startpage, Notebook application, Web agent, Messageboard and Instant Messaging
green.tv » Video
by ycc2106 & 2 othersgreen.tv is the world’s first broadband TV channel dedicated to environmental issues. Each film can be viewed in Flash, QuickTime, Media player, MPEG4 or podcast.
22 April 2006
21 April 2006
14 April 2006
12 April 2006
SyncOne.net - Bookmarks, Feeds
by ycc2106 & 1 otherby webclip they mean saving select text using the bookmarklet, image saving is only for IE