April 2007
Mars Rover Celebrates Milestone
by cflickMore than 910 days after its "90-day warranty" expired, NASA's rover Spirit is still carrying out its mission on Mars. Discovery News reporter Jorge Ribas finds out how the robot has lasted so long.
March 2007
NASA Space Station Status Report 23 March 2007
by pokabudkiHOUSTON - The Expedition 14 crew continued work this week on scientific experiments and increased the bandwidth on the International Space Station's computer network.
Commander Michael Lopez-Alegria and Flight Engineer Suni Williams spent time working with experiments that may hold the key to several aspects of long-duration space flight as NASA looks forward to missions back to the moon and on to Mars or other destinations.
Projections of Future World Population
by pokabudkiAlthough world population continues to grow, in the last couple decades the rate at which it has grown has begun to steadily slow. The U.S. Census Bureau gives the following estimates for world population growth over the last 50 years
February 2007
by plasticdreamsバタリアンだとかエイリアンv.s.プレデターだとか そんなチャチなもんじゃあ断じてねえ。もっと恐ろしいものの片鱗を味わったぜ...
January 2007
December 2006
Proceedings of the Athanasius Kircher Society
by jlesage & 2 others"Our interests extend to the wondrous, the curious, the singular, the esoteric, the arcane, and the sometimes hazy frontier between the plausible and the implausible." a whacky collection
November 2006
Cabinet Magazine Online -
by jlesagea quarterly journal of art, design, culture; partly playful, some art, some scholarly essays; good mix of specific reviews and overviews
October 2006
2006 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge
by jlesage06 winners, with photos and explanations in a slide show