January 2007
Linux 流量分析的指令 - Real-Blog
by realmip在高流量的 Linux server 下分析流量十分有用,以下是幾個有用的指令:
1. 列出每個連線 IP 的連線數量:
netstat -nta | fgrep "ESTABLISHED" | cut -b 49-75 | cut -d ':' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r –key=1,7 | head -25
[原创] Linux iptables firewall 設定常見 FAQ 整理 (最近更新時間:8/18/2006) - ChinaUnix.net
by realmip1. 如何查询我目前 iptables 的配置组态设定 ?
2. 如何关闭 Linux Distro 本身的 firewall 配置并让规则清空不启用?
3. 关于 RedHat 9, Fedora 与 RHEL 的 firewall 配置问题
4. 如何使用手动方式清空与重置 iptables firewall rule?
December 2006
VPN Labs - VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORKS - Free VPN Software and Virtual Private Network News
by camel & 2 others
VPNlabs is an open community for researching, reviewing, and discussing Virtual Private Networks. Read about how to use this site. New to VPN? Please read through our Primers. Setting up a VPN on Unix? Check out our BSD and Linux categories. Microsoft VPN? Check out our Windows resource center.
November 2006
VMWare and Xen Management with BixData | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
by camel
BixData is a system, application, and network monitoring tool which allows you to easily monitor nearly every aspect of your servers. The newly released version 2.6 is the only application that has the ability to control both Xen and VMWare virtual machines. You can control both VM Hosts (the computer that's running the VM software) and VM Guests (the virtual machines running on the hosts).
October 2006
Installing Zenoss Network Monitor on a Ubuntu Server | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
by camel & 1 other
This tutorial shows how to install and configure the Zenoss network monitoring tool on a Ubuntu 6.06 system. Zenoss is a free open-source tool that allows you to monitor servers, applications, networks, power, etc. regarding their configuration, availability, performance, and so on. It can also alert you by email if it finds inappropriate actions.
What is DRBD
by holyver & 2 others (via)
DRBD is a block device which is designed to build high availability clusters. This is done by mirroring a whole block device via (a dedicated) network. You could see it as a network raid-1.
Comment pouvoir assurer la disponibilité d'un service avec HeartBeat ?
by holyver (via)
L"idée générale pour assurer la disponibilité d"un service est de faire fonctionner plusieurs machines (deux au minimum) en même temps. Ces machines forment ce qu"on appelle un cluster et chaque machine est un node du cluster. Chacune des machines va vérifier si les autres répondent toujours en prenant le pouls de chacune des autres. Si une machine cesse de fonctionner, les autres assurent le service.
Une fois le cluster configuré, on y accède au travers d"une seule et unique adresse IP qui est celle du cluster; qui lui-même est composé de plusieurs nodes.
Pour pouvoir mettre en place ce genre de technique, nous allons utiliser l"application HeartBeat qui va se charger de surveiller les machines et d"appliquer une série de scripts définis par l"utilisateur si cela s"avère nécessaire (c"est-à-dire si une machine tombe).
NFSv4 Delivers Seamless Network Access
by holyver & 1 other
Network File System (NFS) has been part of the world of free operating systems and proprietary UNIX flavors since the mid-1980s. But not all administrators know how it works or why there have been new releases. It is important to know about NFS simply because the system is vital seamless access across UNIX networks. Learn how the latest release of NFS, NFSv4, has addressed many criticisms, particularly with regard to security problems, that became apparent in versions 2 and 3.
Reseau-nfs - Lea Linux
by holyver (via)
NFS signifie Network File System. C'est, comme son nom l'indique, un système de fichiers en réseau qui permet de partager ses données principalement entre systèmes UNIX. À la différence de SAMBA, NFS gère les permissions sur les fichiers et on peut donc l'utiliser de manière totalement transparente dans son arborescence Linux.