May 2008
April 2008
A Recommender System for the DSpace Open Repository Platform
by parmentierf (via)We present Quambo, a recommender system add-on for the DSpace open source repository platform. We explain how Quambo generates content recommendations based upon a user selected set of examples, our approach to presenting content recommendations to the user, and our experiences applying the system to a repository of technical reports. We consider how Quambo could be combined with the peer-federated DSpace add-on to extend the item-space from which recommendations can be generated; a larger item-space could improve the diversity of the set from which to make recommendations. We also consider how Quambo could be extended to add collaboration opportunities to DSpace.
March 2008
DLFP: La solution documentaire Quotero publie ses sources
by parmentierfQuotero, nouvelle solution documentaire Open Source
January 2008
November 2007
MIC archivists portal
by katagena74Portail pour les archivistes audiovisuels reprenant les standards pour le catalogage, la préservation, les métadonnées...
PBCore metadata
by katagena74Schéma de métadonnées basé sur le Dublin Core, pour l'archivages audiovisuel.
October 2007
September 2007
June 2007
April 2007
March 2007
Indexation de ressources : métadonnées, normes et standards
by yogilou & 1 otherLOMFR DublinCore OAI CDMFR
Métadonnées et Dublin Core
by ikan & 8 othersLes métadonnées du Dublin Core permettent de donner des informations à propos de pages Web. Dans cet article, nous voyons la forme de ces descriptions, ainsi que la façon de les intégrer dans des pages Web.
February 2007
January 2007
December 2006
SIMILE | Exhibit
by parmentierf & 6 others (via)Exhibit is a lightweight structured data publishing framework that lets you create web pages with support for sorting, filtering, and rich visualizations by writing only HTML and optionally some CSS and Javascript code.
exifstats -- How were your photos taken?
by parmentierf & 1 other (via)exifstats -- a command line tool for gathering and displaying data about how your photos were taken. Such data may include the shutter speed, focal length and aperture and much more, and is stored in the image files according to the EXIF standard. The program works by parsing the EXIF data stored in each file in a directory and its sub directories. When all files have been parsed, it prints the results.