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November 2006

KarKomaOnline - Implementing High Availability in MySQL

by holyver & 2 others (via)
MySQL provides a built-in data replication functionality for maintaining identical copies of its data to one or more backend servers, thus providing a simple High Availability mechanism. On the other hand, the Open Source community has several projects to implement failover techniques, being one of them Heartbeat. This article will show you how to implement a clustered, highly available and inexpensive solution based on GNU/Linux and combining MySQL as the database engine and Heartbeat as the failover mechanism. The configuration will consist of a 2-node active/passive cluster.

MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL: powerful gui tool for visual database developement, generation modification and reverse engineering

by manfrys
Database Designer for MySQL is a handy tool with intuitive interface that allows you to build a clear and effective database structure visually, see the complete picture (diagram) representing all the tables, references between them, views, stored procedu

October 2006

Architectures 64 bits : quatre questions à se poser

by holyver (via)
Après le faux départ de l´Itanium I, le lancement d´offres de processeurs 64 bits en architecture Intel semble enfin annoncer - mais seulement à moyen terme - plus de puissance pour les applications techniques, plus de performances pour la gestion de grandes bases de données et plus de souplesse pour la consolidation de serveurs. Certaines questions doivent être posées dès maintenant.

September 2006 Gartner on Open Source Databases

by mbertier
# By 2008, open source databases will be used by more than 70% of IT organizations # By 2008, MySQL will be a serious choice for mission critical applications

Myslq Cluster

by rodo
Mise en cluster de serveurs Mysql

MySQL Workbench - MySQLForge Wiki

by springnet
MySQL Workbench is a database modeling tool for MySQL. You can use it to design and create new database schemas, document existing databases and even perform complex migrations to MySQL.

MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 8.12 mysqldump — A Database Backup Program

by springnet
For a faster "mysqldump" innodb tables 1. mysqldump --opt --user=username --password database > filetosaveto.sql 2. open the dump file put this statement at the beginning of the sql dump text file: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; 3. mysql --user=usern

August 2006

Inserting records into the Database with Java Servlets

by heyvoon
This article is next in the series of articles about selecting, inserting, updating and deleting records from the database using JDBC. In this article we will learn how to insert records into the database. If you have followed my earlier article about 'Displaying Records from the Database' then this article is not going to be difficult at all. 90% of the code will be same. So if you haven't read that article then I will suggest that you go through that article before starting this one as quite a few important things have been explained in detail there.

GPLHost:>_ Web hosting open source (GPL) control panel

by camel & 3 others
Domain Technologie Control (DTC) is a GPL control panel for hosting. Using a web GUI for admin and accounting all hosting services, DTC can delegate the task of creating subdomains, email, and FTP accounts to users for the domain names they own. DTC manages a MySQL database containing all the hosting information. It has support for many programs (bind 8 and 9 and compatibles, MySQL, Apache 1.3, php4, qmail, postfix 2, courier, dovecot, proftpd, webalizer, mod-log-sql, etc.) through config files and/or MySQL plugins (when the service is non-critical). It can also generate backup scripts, calculation scripts, and config files using a single system UID/GID and monitor all traffic accounting per user and per service. Since version 0.12, DTC is fully skinable and translated into several languages (Chinese, English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Romanian and Polish).

SQuirreL SQL Client Home Page

by fakechris & 6 others
universal sql client in java -- jdbc

July 2006

Web-based Databases Using PHP

by springnet
Let's be honest, when most people start thinking about developing in PHP (or even ASP) their aim is to produce dynamic content drawn from a database, or provide a web interface to a database. There are of course other uses for PHP, but this would seem to

PHP Classes - Class: Access MySQL database

by pyxosledisciple
Classe PHP pour manipuler facilement MySQL.