public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags my-install-notes & programming-development

November 2005

October 2005

Appeal - Appeal Wiki Home - a living experiment in progressive development and organizational concepts as applied to the KDE project

by macroron
the practices of art, usability and software development are brought together during the earliest phases of development and supported through ongoing communication and periodic in-person meetings. Appeal serves as an incubator for emerging technologies th

Plasma: KDE4 Desktop Shell: Plasma for KDE

by macroron & 2 others
Desktop computing has changed radically in the last 20 years, yet our desktops are essentially the same as they were in 1984. It's time the desktop caught up with us.

Smalltalk/X Overview

by macroron
a complete implementation of the Smalltalk programming language and development environment.

GnomeFiles: Clear Looks Theme - Gnome/Gtk+ Software Repository

by macroron
An attractive gtk engine with a focus on usability. Clearlooks will transform your GNOME desktop into an attractive looking and usable environment.

Kat Desktop Search Environment - Home

by macroron & 2 others
an open source framework designed to allow kde applications to index and retrieve files.

September 2005

Gwydion Dylan - for linux and freebsd

by macroron
an advanced dynamic object-oriented programming language - carnegie mellon university's gwydion dylan compiler

July 2005

GNU Smalltalk - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

by macroron
runs on linux? a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language which runs on most versions on Unix and, in general, everywhere you can find a POSIX-compliance library. An uncommon feature of it is that it is well-versed to scripting tasks and headless