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PUBLIC MARKS with tag microsoft

July 2009

It's Finally Official, Microsoft & Yahoo Make A Deal, Yahoo Gives Up On Search

by marco
Microsoft will acquire an exclusive 10 year license to Yahoo!’s core search technologies, and Microsoft will have the ability to integrate Yahoo! search technologies into its existing web search platforms

It's Official: Microsoft and Yahoo Announce Search Deal

by marco
Énorme : "In a taped video statement Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer argues that the agreement will bring choice back to consumers"

Stuart Lewis' Blog » Direct from MS Word to DSpace via SWORD

by parmentierf
This blog post is about the functionality I have added to DSpace to allow it to accept deposits from within Microsoft Word using SWORD.

Google lâche une bombe atomique sur Microsoft: Chrome OS

by nhoizey
« Les rumeurs couraient depuis un certain temps…cela vient de se confirmer et ça va faire du bruit: Google lancera à la mi 2010 son propre système d’exploitation Google Chrome OS. »

Hommage à Michael Jackson streamé en HD

by nhoizey
Voilà de quoi vérifier si le streaming HD rendu possible par Microsoft IIS Smooth Streaming et Silverlight va tenir la charge, en espérant avoir un compte rendu ultérieur précisant la taille de la plateforme

June 2009

JumpBox for the DSpace Open Source Repository | JumpBox Inc.

by parmentierf
A JumpBox packages an application's software, dependencies, and application data into a single virtual appliance that deploys locally, or hosted to major virtualization, and cloud computing platforms. Deploy on Windows, Mac, or Linux using virtualization platforms like VMware, Xen, Parallels, Virtual Iron, Microsoft Virtualization, and Amazon EC2.

Microsoft Office Outlook Team Blog : The Power of Word in Outlook

by srcmax
This morning we became aware of a Twitter campaign run from the website This campaign is intended to provide Microsoft with feedback about our decision to continue to use Microsoft Word for composing and displaying e-mail in the upcoming release of Microsoft Outlook 2010. The Email Standards Project, which developed the website that promotes the current Twitter campaign, is backed by the maker of “email marketing campaign” software.

Outlook’s broken—Let’s fix it

by srcmax
Microsoft has confirmed they plan on using the Word rendering engine to display HTML emails in Outlook 2010. This means for the next 5 years your email designs will need tables for layout, have no support for CSS like float and position, no background images and lots more. Want proof? Here’s the same email in Outlook 2000 & 2010.

Windows Internet Explorer 8: Get the facts

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other (via)
Selon Microsoft, les bonnes raisons pour employer internet explorer. De la pure propagande orientée, et des critères d'évaluation faux en barre. Mékilsonkons !

Microsoftが広告検索における不正クリック問題で訴訟 - Webマーケティング

by kuroyagi
"同社によると、1年以上にわたる調査で、「Microsoft のネットワークへの検索要求に応じて表示されるオンライン広告へのリンクを、不正にクリックするという手口が広範囲で使用された」ことが明らかになったという。"


by Fulcanelli
HIDPoint can be considered as a Linux version of Logitech’s or Microsoft’s Keyboard and Mouse configuration software. It runs on many Linux distributions such as RHEL, SUSE, Ubuntu, Mandriva and Fedora. HIDPoint has been designed to give users using USB Mice and Keyboards, the same experience they get when using these devices on Microsoft Windows.

Satya Nadella Keynote At Bing Search Summit

by kuroyagi
Nadella said “only 1 in 4 queries deliver successful results.”

May 2009

Bing, le nouveau moteur de Microsoft, sera dévoilé le 3 juin prochain - Abondance : Référencement et moteurs de recherche

by srcmax
Steve Ballmer l'a annoncé hier : Bing sera finalement le nom choisi par Microsoft pour son nouveau moteur de recherche (son nom de code était "Kumo") qui remplacera Live Search dès le mercredi 3 juin prochain aux Etats-Unis (une version bêta sera disponible à cette date en France). Une campagne publicitaire de plus de 80 millions de $ serait prévue pour accompagner ce lancement. Microsoft indique que l'outil sera résolument différent de ce que propose Google, et permettra de trouver rapidement une information en quelques clics. Vivement la semaine prochaine pour savoir si ces promesses seront tenues !

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