public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags media & news

12 January 2006

10 January 2006

07 January 2006

Media Lens

by owukori
correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate media - corporate media issues

06 January 2006

Today's Front Pages

by Busy Mom & 11 others
View over 400 newspapers from today.

05 January 2006

Press Spins Abramoff as “Republican Scandal”

by jasontromm (via)
Look at this Abramoff investigation. Already the media are treating it as a Republican scandal, almost exclusively. Well, the fact is that we know that both Dingy Harry and Helmet Head, Byron Dorgan, may have problems. Reid is the Senate Democrat leader. But they're reporting it this way because they want it to be a Republican scandal. Some news reports are even saying Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff. We know for a fact he spread money around to both parties.

04 January 2006

02 January 2006

01 January 2006

30 December 2005

29 December 2005

28 December 2005

26 December 2005

Best of Notable Quotables 2005

by jasontromm (via)
The Media Research Center’s annual awards issue, a compilation of the most outrageous and/or humorous news media quotes from 2005 (December 2004 through November 2005). To determine this year’s winners, a panel of 52 radio talk show hosts, magazine editors, columnists, editorial writers and media observers each selected their choices for the first, second and third best quote from a slate of six to nine quotes in each category.

24 December 2005

23 December 2005

21 December 2005

20 December 2005

12 December 2005