public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags media & free

January 2007

November 2006

Lyrics Seeker Plug-Ins :: Audio-Multimedia::Other :: Free Software Download Site

by webzf & 1 other
LyricsSeeker is a plug-in for your favorite music players that retrieves lyrics to song currently playing. Requires little hard drive space and uses close to no memory. Supports iTunes, WinAmp

October 2006

September 2006

July 2006

June 2006

Watch your media on the web

by rsegoly & 14 others
A free and nice service. You install client on your PC, set it to point to your media (pictures, video, audio) and see if from everywhere through the web. Also able to tune to local TV tuner, and Internet TV, and record it. So you have your free DVR.

May 2006

Glide Effortless ~ Discover the Magic of Compatibility and Integration

by slogoo & 12 others
Glide Effortless是一个可以上传各类文件的服务平台. 相片, MP3, 视频, 文字, PPT和PDF文件均可上传. 上传的用户可以对这些内容拥有完全的控制权, 文件一经上传, 系统就马上将其转换成在线的预览

Ourmedia Homepage | Ourmedia

by slogoo & 30 others
OurMedia免费存储各类视频, 音频, 图片, 文本, 甚至软件的平台.

by slogoo & 1 other
BroadBandSports 第一个只播视频的体育网站. 由专业和业余用户制作, 用户可以对内容进行评论, 评级

32 Resources on Sites to download free (and legal) mp3 - Listible!

by 4004
Best sites where to download legal and free music in mp3 format. Could be directories, labels, zines or artist website.

Newsvine - Get Smarter Here

by slogoo & 49 others
Newsvine正式上线. Newsvine集合了其他类似网站如Digg等的优秀功能, 同时具有聊天&评论的功能. 用户在上面有很好的社会性新闻的体验. 网站同时还在计划与新闻提供者进行收入分享的机制.


by slogoo & 18 others
Plum社会性书签网站, 与其他书签网站将书签存于网络不同, 该网站允许用户将书签存放在电脑本机.提供便捷的工具将书签的内容转换成blog的内容, 相册, feed等