September 2010
August 2010
June 2010
by rmaltete & 2 othersFree eBay auction sniping, bidding & monitoring software
A Java-based application allowing you to monitor auctions you're not part of, submit bids, snipe (bid at the last moment), and otherwise track your auction-site experience. It includes adult-auction management, MANY currencies (pound, dollar (US, Canada, Australian, and New Taiwanese) and euro, presently), drag-and-drop of auction URLs, an original, unique and powerful 'multisniping' feature, a relatively nice UI, and is known to work cleanly under Linux, Windows, Solaris, and MacOSX from the same binary.
May 2010
Creaceed - Hydra
by rmaltete & 1 otherHydra is about mixing a number of under- and overexposed shots to get a natural sight of a scene. It provides human eye-like perception to your photographs by allowing you to create high dynamic range (HDR) images from a series of regular photographs, either from DSLRs or traditional point-and-shoot cameras.
Want to see some HDR examples made with Hydra? Have a look at this page.
by rmaltete"Corail 1.0" est destiné aux plongeurs en scaphandre autonome confirmés ou non. Il permet de gérer plusieurs carnets de plongée simultanément avec un maximum de détails sur chaque immersion. L'application offre la possibilité de représenter graphiquement les profils avec les différentes alarmes enregistrées au cours de la plongée (vitesse de remontée trop rapide, plongée avec décompression, dépassement de la profondeur plafond, changement de gaz...).
Le plongeur peut réaliser l'inventaire complet de son matériel, retracer l'historique de ses révisions et prévoir les futures opérations d'entretien : remplacement des consommables. Le coût des révisions ou réparations peut être consigné dans le registre "budget" qui classe les entreprises prestataires de services en fonction de leur rapport qualité-prix.
Le répertoire des épaves constitue une base de données qui rassemble les principales caractéristiques des bâtiments, les conditions d'accès (profondeur, point G.P.S., amers), leur intérêt ainsi que l'historique de leur naufrage. Des options avancées permettent aux plongeurs Nitrox et Trimix de :
vérifier leurs calculs lors de la préparation de mélanges suroxygénés (Nitrox),
déterminer les profondeurs narcotiques équivalentes (Trimix).
Un convertisseur d'unités U.S. / métriques est intégré à l'application.
April 2010
MakeMKV - Make MKV from Blu-ray and DVD
by rmaltete (via)MakeMKV is your one-click solution to convert video that you own into free and patents-unencumbered format that can be played everywhere. MakeMKV is a format converter, otherwise called "transcoder". It converts the video clips from proprietary (and usually encrypted) disc into a set of MKV files, preserving most information but not changing it in any way. The MKV format can store multiple video/audio tracks with all meta-information and preserve chapters. There are many players that can play MKV files nearly on all platforms, and there are tools to convert MKV files to many formats, including DVD and Blu-ray discs.
Additionally MakeMKV can instantly stream decrypted video without intermediate conversion to wide range of players, so you may watch Blu-ray and DVD discs with your favorite player on your favorite OS or on your favorite device.
March 2010
February 2010
Burn - Home
by rmalteteThere are a lot of ways to approach burning discs. Burn keeps it simple, but still offers a lot of advanced options.
by rmalteteFeatures
* Keeps a logbook of key information about each of your dives
* Downloads profile information from your Suunto dive computer
* Computes your equivalent surface air consumption rate for each dive, as well as displaying tissue compartment saturation levels and NDLs for each point during a dive.
* Keeps track of your dive gear and reminds you when it is due for service
* Organizes pictures relating to each dive and can present slide shows
* Can print out information in a format suitable for adding to loose-leaf log books from PADI and SSI
* Can import data from Suunto Dive Manager for the PC (versions 1 or 2)
* Self-contained program written in Java - does not modify your system or load any additional libraries
January 2010
Metakine - Fairmount
by rmaltete & 1 other (via)Décryptage de DVD gratuit et à code source ouvert
Fairmount est un outil permettant la lecture d'un DVD encrypté. Il ne fait pas le décryptage, mais envoie l'information à VLC Media Player. Donc VLC Media Player doit être installé avant l'utilisation de Fairmount.
ProVoc - Free Vocabulary Trainer for Mac OS X
by rmalteteProVoc is a free and easy-to-use vocabulary trainer that will help you quickly learn and efficiently train your vocabulary. Behind its simple and user-friendly interface, ProVoc offers a rich variety of unique features that will greatly help you improve your knowledge of any foreign language or technical terminology.
Sixty Five, Ltd. » 7zX
by rmaltete7zX is a file archiver with high compression ratio. Compression ratio results are very dependent upon the data used for the tests.
Usually 7zX compresses to 7z format 30-70% better than to zip format, and 2-10% better than most of other zip compatible programs.
7zX currently supports tar, zip, gzip, bzip2, UNIX compress, 7z, s7z and various kinds of segmented archives.
YemuZip - Free Zip Tool for Mac OS X
by rmaltete & 2 others (via)Drag, drop, done. Making zip files cannot be any easier.
YemuZip is an easy-to-use application for making zip files. Just drag, drop, name your zip file and you're done.
The Finder's Archive function makes zip files that contains Mac-specific information that, when extracted on a PC, looks like garbage. YemuZip lets you choose between a PC-compatible format and a Mac format that preserve all the Mac-specific metadata.
November 2009
nova media | Phone plugins pour Mac OS X | Envoyer des messages SMS et composer les numéros de téléphone!
by rmalteteEnvoyer des messages SMS et composer les numéros de téléphone!
A partir du Mac et d'un téléphone portable compatible équipé du Bluetooth, vous pouvez très rapidement et confortablement envoyer des messages SMS ou laisser composer un numéro de téléphone. Ceci fonctionne avec la plupart des applications directement à partir du menu contextuel sans qu'il soit nécessaire d'ouvrir une autre application.
Password Assistant | codepoetry
by rmaltete (via)Password Assistant simply calls the Mac OS X Password Assistant dialog on demand. If you close the window, just choose File → New Window (CMD-N) to get it back (or reopen the program).
Pod to Mac
by rmaltete (via)Pod to Mac is freeware that lets you copy or transfer music,
videos and playlists from an iPod or iPhone to your Mac and into iTunes.
September 2009
X Lossless Decoder:
by rmaltete & 1 otherX Lossless Decoder(XLD) is a tool for Mac OS X that is able to decode/convert/play various 'lossless' audio files. The supported audio files can be split into some tracks with cue sheet when decoding. It works on Mac OS X 10.3 and later.
XLD is Universal Binary, so it runs natively on both Intel Macs and PPC Macs.
NRG ISO extractor
by rmaltetenrg2iso extracts ISO 9660 files from Nero's proprietary .nrg format. This is a GUI wrapper for the linux command line nrg2iso v0.4 tool by G Kokanosky which is available under the GNU GPL.
nrg2iso will also extract ISO images, that can burnt on a PC, from .dmg files.
July 2009
Filmotech - Fonctionnalités
by rmaltete & 2 othersFilmotech est un logiciel de gestion de collection de DVD, Blu-Ray, DiVX, CD, VHS ou autres formats. Filmotech est un freeware (mais les dons sont les bienvenus !). Il fonctionne sur Mac et PC.