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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mac & software

April 2011

Plex for OS X

by sbrothier
Plex Media Center bridges the gap between your Mac and your home theater, doing so with a visually appealing user interface that provides instant access to your media. Plex can play a wide range of video, audio and photo formats without having to install any third party video plugins and can stream online audio and video content served by Plex Media Server. Your media library has never looked this good!

March 2011

Kaleidoscope — File comparison for Mac

by julie & 4 others

Use Kaleidoscope to spot the differences in text and image files. Review changes in seconds with the world's most advanced file comparison application.

Sublime Text: The text editor you'll fall in love with

by Xavier Lacot & 3 others
"Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose". Maybe a replacement to Textmate ?

February 2011

NoteTote for Mac OS X

by gregg
Doing things on your computer remotely can be a chore. You shouldn’t have to deal with computer-nerd stuff like IP addresses and SSH just to get that neat video onto your computer when your friend tells you about it at the bar.

January 2011

December 2010

iBiz Professional | Mac OS X software for multi-user time tracking, project management, estimates and billing in networked small businesses

by gregg
For team projects, nothing networks as readily as iBiz Server and iBiz Client. Easy to install, easy to manage, easy to upgrade, the iBiz Professional package is the ideal solution for tracking billable hours in a multi-user environment

ImageOptim – a PNG/JPEG/GIF optimizer for Mac OS X

by Xavier Lacot & 10 others
ImageOptim optimizes images — so they take up less disk space and load faster — by finding best compression parameters and by removing unnecessary comments and color profiles. It handles PNG, JPEG and GIF animations.

November 2010

Raskin | Beyond Desktop

by gregg
Zoom. Pan. Go. Inspired by Jef Raskin, our zoomable user interface shows you all the stuff on your computer on a single surface. Using zoom and pan to view, arrange and open documents feels so right. In minutes you’ll appreciate the simplicity and intelligence of our answer to the traditional desktop. Take a spin and see for yourself.

sparrow - The New Mail for Mac

by gregg & 3 others
Sparrow is a minimalist mail application for Mac. It was designed to keep things simple and efficient. No fancy stuff here... just your mail and nothing else.


by sbrothier
HyperDock adds long awaited features to your Dock: Select single application windows just by moving the mouse on a dock item, use mouse clicks to quickly open new windows and many more.

October 2010

August 2010

July 2010 » Customize QuickLook for fonts

by sbrothier
Quick­Look, the abil­ity to see a quick pre­view of files and fold­ers sim­ply by select­ing and then press­ing the Space bar has been avail­able for some time now. This is a great time saver and gives access to infor­ma­tion that in many cases you would oth­er­wise have to install spe­cific soft­ware to get. Quick­Look can view was num­ber of for­mats but it is pos­si­ble to extent its use by adding plug-ins to it. Most of them are free. Some soft­ware devel­op­ers offer plug-ins for Quick­Look for their soft­ware if Quick­Look does not pre­view files made by their software. One of Quick­Look great­est fea­tures in my opin­ion is that it can pre­view fonts. Not only to see if it’s the font I am look­ing for, but also to see if the six glyphs spe­cific for the Ice­landic lan­guage, are in the font (which is a com­mon prob­lem) or, if they are, to see if they are drawn in a proper way and usable.

RipIt - The Mac DVD Ripper

by sbrothier & 1 other
Our guarantee If a DVD doesn't work, we'll buy it ourselves and fix it as soon as possible. Easily organize your movies Moving files around on your computer is a lot easier than alphabetizing shelves full of DVDs. Peace of mind Movies stored safely in your computer can't get lost, scratched or broken. Simplify entertainment on the go Why carry around bulky DVD cases or disc wallets when you don't have to? Rip to iPad RipIt has preset options to allow ripping DVDs straight to your iPad. Use your laptop longer Laptops use a lot more juice when they're spinning a DVD and a hard drive.

June 2010

jitouch 2 - Multi-Touch Extension for MacBook Multi-Touch Trackpad & Magic Mouse

by gregg
jitouch is a Mac application that expands the set of Multi-Touch gestures for the new MacBook and the new Magic Mouse. These thoughtfully designed gestures will enable you to perform frequent tasks more easily such as changing tabs in web browsers, closing windows, minimizing windows, changing Spaces, and a lot more.

MacTubes YouTube Video Player, Downloader

by sbrothier
* Playing YouTube videos. * Searching by keywords, related videos and authors videos. * Creating playlists, keyword ,author ,category lists. * Playing by entering video URL or video ID. * Play history. * Downloading video files.