Ken Shirriff's blog
by night.kame & 1 otherThe Bitcoin network is 25 billion MH/s, which works out to about $70 million hardware cost and 15 MW. (This is about the total power consumption of Cambodia.) At $0.15/kWH, that would be about $50,000/day on electricity ($300 per block or $0.70 per transaction). Since mining generates about $140,000 per day, spending $50,000 per day on electricity seems like the right ballpark.
Tu aimes les BitCoin ? Alors tu dois aimer les centrales nucléaires.
)i( interstices - Découvrir la recherche en informatique - Accueil
by Emaux2008
by Niklaus Vonderflu & 1 other (via)2006
Théorie des modèles - Wikipédia
by benoitUn modèle sert donc d'abord de structure pour valider une théorie.