June 2007
May 2007
Keyjnote: presentation viewer with very nice graphical effects
by lecyborgkeyjnote is an excellent presentation program with graphical effects that will make Apple’s Keynote users be jealous.
Keyjnote keeps the crunchy part of Keynote (fancy display), but doesn’t allow you to create your presentation. It enables you to display a PDF or images-based presentation, but you have to create the presentation with another tool, like the famous latex beamer extension. So you can use your favourite tool to build your presentation, rather than a lame point and click thingy.
Synchro distante automatique via un daemon rsync
by lecyborgEt non ! Rsync n'est pas une voiture des années 90 mais bien un outil de synchronisation de fichiers à distance très puissant. Il peut notamment tourner en daemon afin d'autoriser les appels distants automatiques, via Cron par exemple.
ZABBIX :: An Enterprise-Class Open Source Distributed Monitoring Solution
by lecyborg & 4 othersZABBIX offers advanced monitoring, alerting and visualisation features today which are missing in other monitoring systems, even some of the best commercial ones.
April 2007
by lecyborg & 2 others (via)OBM est une solution web collaborative, personnalisable de :
- gestion de la relation client (CRM ou GRC), fonctions commerciales et marketing,
- gestion de production (projets, temps, help desk...) orienté services,
- groupware : agenda partagé multi-utilisateurs et multi-vues, partage de documents,
- ...
OBM est un logiciel libre, développé depuis 1998, téléchargé près de 1000 fois par mois et en production sur des sites de quelques utilisateurs à plusieurs dizaines de milliers.
OBM est pensé performance, ergonomie et ouverture avec les connecteurs permettant la synchronisation des contacts, des tâches et de l’agenda... depuis une messagerie Outlook®, “Evolution”et un PDA. Bientôt disponible, le connecteur Mozilla calendar !
jMemorize - Learning made easy (and fun) - A Leitner flashcards tool
by lecyborgjMemorize is an free open-source Java application that manages your learning processes by using flashcards and the famous Leitner system. jMemorize makes memorizing facts not only more efficient but also more fun. It boosts your whole learning experience and features categories, statistics and a visually appealing and intuitive interface.
Linux Mint: Linux for the Desktop
by lecyborgLinux Mint's purpose is to produce an elegant, up to date and comfortable GNU/Linux desktop distribution.
Il s'agit d'une distribution qui monte basée sur Ubuntu.
March 2007
by lecyborg & 3 othersOreon est un logiciel de surveillance et de supervision réseau, basé sur le moteur de récupération d'information Open Source le plus performant : Nagios.
L'objectif de ce projet est de proposer une nouvelle interface à Nagios, capable de le doter de nouvelles fonctionnalités, tout en gardant la logique des ses mécanismes existants. Le tout au sein d'une interface moderne, évolutive et destinée à tous.
February 2007
Open Source Alternative - Find Open Source Alternatives to commercial software
by yogilou & 39 othersastucieuse présentation des équivalents propriétaires //opensouce en double entrée
January 2007
api: Project Home
by pvergainThe API project provides an entry point in the world of OpenOffice.org from a developers perspective.
OpenOffice.org offers a language independent application programming interface (API) which allows to program the office in different programming languages (e.g. C , Java, Python, CLI, StarBasic, JavaScript, OLE). It allows to use OpenOffice.org as service provider in other applications, extend it with new functionality or simply customize and control OpenOffice.org.
The popularity of the standardized (OASIS and ISO/IEC 26300) Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) is growing. This also drives the popularity of OpenOffice.org office in general. Corporate users often demand the integration of office productivity into existing workflows and applications. They also often require additional functionality or special customizations of the existing features. And that is one of the main goals of the API project. Provide the possiblitly to customize or control the office that it fits well in your existing environment or fullfill your special requirements.
Software Development Kit
SDK logo There is also a Software Development Kit (SDK) available which is an add-on for an existing OpenOffice.org. It provides the necessary tools and documentation for programming the OpenOffice.org APIs and creating your own extensions (UNO components) for OpenOffice.org. If you are interested in OpenOffice.org programming, you can download the SDK.
The OpenOffice.org API is based on UNO (Universal Network Objects) and consists of a wide range of interfaces defined in a Corba-like IDL. While the component technology determines how the components or applications communicate with each other and how the API is accessed from specific programming languages, the OpenOffice.org API defines the interface for accessing office functionality independently from certain programming languages. Get a first impression of the design goals or get a detailed description of the OpenOffice.org API and their concepts from the Developer's Guide and/or in the IDL reference.
Code Snippets: If you search a quick answer to any API related question please visit our Code Snippet Base. And if you like this kind of knowledge base you are welcome to help us to improve and to extend this code snippet collection (see how to contribute).
What's new
The ease of use of an API depends firstly on the API itself and secondly how well it is supported by development tools. We have started two projects to provide better tools support for the OpenOffice.org API in the two main open source Java development IDEs NetBeans and Eclipse. You can find more detailed information about the NetBeans integration in the OO wiki where you can also download the plugin. Visit OpenOffice.org & Eclipse for information about the Eclipse plugin.
We have started an API Wiki where we will provide additional information in the future. The OO.org Wiki is growing fast and in fact of the easy access (instead of cvs) we will provide more and more information there. Currently we are evaluating the transmission of the Developer's Guide into the Wiki to open the guide for translation and for faster and easier writing of new or changing of existing chapters. Stay tuned for further announcments of this!
fr: Documentation
by pvergain & 1 otherCes outils sous forme de scripts sont des aides dans votre utilisationquotidienne d'OpenOffice.org. N'hésitez pas à nous apporter un retour sur ceux-ci, cela nous permet de les améliorer, d'en réaliser d'autres en fonction de vos demandes. Vous pouvez également proposer les votres sur la liste [email protected], nous nous ferons un plaisir de les ajouter ici. Merci à tous ceux qui ont donné ces outils à notre communauté. La colonne 'V2' indique que le document a été mis à jour vers la version 2.