public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag loadbalancing


Varnish - Trac

by etheriau & 4 others
Varnish is a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator. It uses the advanced features in Linux 2.6, FreeBSD 6/7 and Solaris 10 to achieve its high performance.

LoadBalancing of virtual machine

by camel
LBVM allows sharing virtual machines among physical servers in a predefined cluster. It is fully configurable and requires only a few setup steps before running automatically. LBM, LB LOG and LB MONITOR (as seen in figure) are the core scripts and perform the necessary steps.

Main - Nginx Wiki

by camel & 3 others
Nginx [engine x] est un serveur HTTP(S), un reverse proxy et un proxy IMAP/POP3 écrit par Igor Sysoev. Il a tourné sur de nombreux sites russes à forte charge durant plus de deux ans. Ses sources sont disponibles sous une license de type BSD. Du fait que la plupart de la documentation de Nginx soit en russe, ce site existe afin d'aider les francophones à mettre en commun leurs connaissances autour de la configuration et du déploiement de Nginx.

Load Balancing Tomcat with Apache

by etheriau
Takes a look at mod_proxy; mod_jk is very similar.


Pure Load Balancer - A free high performance software load balancer for Unix

by springnet
Pure Load Balancer runs in userland, but relies on an asynchronous non forking/non threaded/non blocking architecture. Thanks to Niels Provos' excellent event library, it can also efficiently use the kernel notification mechanisms to never waste CPU time

Active users

last mark : 10/12/2008 22:35

last mark : 18/03/2008 08:27

last mark : 05/12/2006 15:04

last mark : 25/10/2006 19:15

last mark : 26/09/2006 01:37

last mark : 08/05/2006 07:18