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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "load balancing"


Linux Virtual Server

by Elryk & 4 others
Linux Virtual Server (LVS) est une solution avancée de répartition de charge sous Linux. L'objectif de ce projet était de construire un serveur de haute performance pour Linux utilisant la technologie du clustering.

scaling drupal - an open-source infrastructure for high-traffic drupal sites | johnandcailin

by holyver & 1 other
in this article, i outline a step-by-step process for incrementally scaling your deployment, from a simple single-node drupal install running all components of the system, all the way to a load balanced, multi node system with database level optimization and clustering. since you almost certainly don't want to jump straight from your single node system to the mother of all redundant clustered systems in one step, i've broken this down into 5 incremental steps, each one building on the last. each step along the way is a perfectly viable deployment.


Improving Drupal's Performance with the Boost Module for the UN's Millennium Campaign | Development Seed

by holyver
Improving Drupal's Performance with the Boost Module for the UN's Millennium Campaign. How the Boost Module Helped a Very High Traffic Drupal Site Stay Online

Load Balancing et Fail Over pour les services Web » UNIX Garden

by camel
Comment gérer la répartition de charge et la tolérance aux erreurs lors de l’invocation d’un service web ? Nous allons étudier le problème et proposer une solution élégante, s’appuyant sur la création d’un plugin du framework Axis, généralement utilisé pour les applications Java. Les services web permettent d’invoquer des services publiés sur des serveurs HTTP, JMS ou autres. Un service web est identifié par un URL, appelé « port » dans le jargon. Cela identifie un serveur, un port de socket et un chemin. Le client doit générer une requête en XML et l’envoyer en mode POST sur l’URL du service web. Celui-ci analyse la requête, invoque le service et la méthode correspondante, puis retourne une réponse ou une exception à l’appelant. Tout cela au format XML. Comment les serveurs peuvent-ils garantir leur fonctionnement ? Que faire si un serveur tombe ? Est-ce qu’un serveur de secours est disponible ? Étudions les différentes techniques à notre disposition pour garantir l’exécution d’un service web dans le cadre d’une publication HTTP.

Couplage Apache HTTP & Tomcat - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

by delavigne & 1 other
Lors de la mise en production d'une application Internet ou intranet, il est fréquent de vouloir protéger les transferts par une connexion sécurisée (HTTPS). Même si Tomcat le permet (il suffit d'activer une option dans le server.xml de Tomcat), utiliser Apache est un meilleur choix du fait de sa vitesse. De plus l'utilisation d'Apache permet de se débarrasser des :8080 et autres numéros de ports dans l'url, du fameux " /MonApp " à la fin de la dite url et enfin la possibilité il offre une intégration plus aisée dans un environnement avec charge répartie (Load Balancing).


Round Robin DNS Load Balancing - WebsiteGear

by camel & 1 other (via)
How DNS load balancing works When the request comes to the DNS server to resolve the domain name, it gives out one of the several canonical names in a rotated order. This redirects the request to one of the several servers in a server group. Once the BIND feature of DNS resolves the domain to one of the servers, subsequent requests from the same client are sent to the same server.

Couplage Apache HTTP & Tomcat - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

by holyver & 1 other (via)
Lors de la mise en production d'une application Internet ou intranet, il est fréquent de vouloir protéger les transferts par une connexion sécurisée (HTTPS). Même si Tomcat le permet (il suffit d'activer une option dans le server.xml de Tomcat), utiliser Apache est un meilleur choix du fait de sa vitesse. De plus l'utilisation d'Apache permet de se débarrasser des :8080 et autres numéros de ports dans l'url, du fameux " /MonApp " à la fin de la dite url et enfin la possibilité il offre une intégration plus aisée dans un environnement avec charge répartie (Load Balancing).

Architectural Options for Asynchronous Workflow

by nhoizey
This article describes the benefits of asynchronous processing and discusses three possible ways to implement this type of workflow within your own systems.


Making applications scalable with Load Balancing

by clochix
Article de présentation (en anglais) des problématiques liées au load balancing

How To Set Up A Load-Balanced MySQL Cluster | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by holyver & 6 others
This tutorial shows how to configure a MySQL 5 cluster with three nodes: two storage nodes and one management node. This cluster is load-balanced by a high-availability load balancer that in fact has two nodes that use the Ultra Monkey package which provides heartbeat (for checking if the other node is still alive) and ldirectord (to split up the requests to the nodes of the MySQL cluster).

Setting Up A Highly Available NFS Server | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by holyver
In this tutorial I will describe how to set up a highly available NFS server that can be used as storage solution for other high-availability services like, for example, a cluster of web servers that are being loadbalanced. If you have a web server cluster with two or more nodes that serve the same web site(s), than these nodes must access the same pool of data so that every node serves the same data, no matter if the loadbalancer directs the user to node 1 or node n. This can be achieved with an NFS share on an NFS server that all web server nodes (the NFS clients) can access.

JBento - Http Session Replication perf test on JBoss

by holyver & 1 other
Web tier clustering is an important part of J2EE scalability and high availability. Traditionally, load balancing is done via front end load balancer (either software- or hardware-based) while the session replication (for fail-over) is done by the web container. Here we have done a benchmark study of http session replication using JBoss Application Server (AS). We also compare JBoss performance against the Tomcat standalone. Please note that JBoss web container also uses embedded Tomcat in non-clustered mode. They differ only in the clustering solution module. For details of both implementation, please refer to both the JBoss and Tomcat documentation. The HttpSession replication performance comparisons are based on JBoss AS 4.0.3SP1 (with JBossCache 1.2.4 and JGroups 2.2.9). Previously, we have published results based on JBoss AS 4.0.2 (August 2005). But the current version has been found to provide dramatic performance improvement.

Chapter 16. Clustering - High Availability Enterprise Services via JBoss Clusters

by holyver (via)
Clustering allows us to run an applications on several parallel servers (a.k.a cluster nodes). The load is distributed across different servers, and even if any of the servers fails, the application is still accessible via other cluster nodes. Clustering is crucial for scalable enterprise applications, as you can improve performance by simply adding more nodes to the cluster. The JBoss Application Server (AS) comes with clustering support out of the box. The simplest way to start a JBoss server cluster is to start several JBoss instances on the same local network, using the run -c all command for each instance. Those server instances, all started in the all configuration, detect each other and automatically form a cluster. In the first section of this chapter, I discuss basic concepts behind JBoss's clustering services. It is important that you understand those concepts before reading the rest of the chapter. Clustering configurations for specific types of applications are covered after this section.

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