public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag littérature

May 2010

April 2010

Such Tweet Sorrow

by gregg
Two families in the same town have loathed one another for years. But a boy from one and a girl from the other fall in love - deep, sweet and destructive. You know the tale of Romeo and Juliet but now you can see it happening live and in real time - in modern Britain and on Twitter. Six characters live the story over the five weeks of Such Tweet Sorrow and you can experience it with them

March 2010

L’autre guerre de Louis Pergaud - La république des livres - Blog

by sammyfisherjr
Daniel de Roulet ne supporte pas l’idée que, sur sa tombe, il puisse être gravé “Mort pour la France et son Eglise”. “A quoi sert la mémoire si c’est pour l’accaparer ? Louis Pergaud n’est pas mort pour la France mais par la France”.

February 2010