public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags list & resource

April 2006

March 2006

- T a g : B l o g g i n g -

by ycc2106 & 1 other
This page lists links to or related to the tag: blogging

February 2006


by jackysee & 85 others
將 bookmark 變成一個個 list 加上 tagging, voting,其實就像 不過以 list 的形式出現

January 2006

Open Thumbshots Project - Portfolio

by ycc2106 (via)
Hundreds of web sites around the world are currently using thumbshots.

October 2005

Simpy - tagging, social bookmarking and personal search engine

by thauser & 51 others
''Simpy indexes your bookmarks and lets you search them. It eliminates the need to use bookmark folders (also known as categories) by using tags to create virtual, dynamic folders on the fly.''

August 2005

July 2005