30 March 2007
29 March 2007
23 March 2007
22 March 2007
Download APP for Windows & Linux on SourceForge.net
by didiAPP automatically calculates a time plan / project plan based on effort estimations and expected end dates. Tasks (+ a max. perc.-rate) can be assigned to one or more resources. Vacations, predecessors, weekly work hours,.. are considered in calculation
20 March 2007
19 March 2007
17 March 2007
14 March 2007
12 March 2007
10 March 2007
klik - Linux Software Download
by Regis & 11 others (via)klik is to Linux what webstart is to Java.
09 March 2007
ITmedia エンタープライズ:あるWebプログラマーの作業環境——豪傑の三種の神器【前編】 (1/2)
by plasticdreamsOS,emacs,GNU Screenと来て,次回はzshの紹介
08 March 2007
06 March 2007
Damn Small Linux 3.3 RC2 Available for Download
by techcrazedA second development release of Damn Small Linux (version 3.3 RC2) is now available for downloading and testing.
03 March 2007
Auto Project Planner - Homepage
by didi & 1 otherAuto Project Planner is an Open Source project management application for Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems.
The software automatically calculates a proper project plan based on your effort estimations and the due dates you have in mind.
A list of tasks and a list of employees can be defined. Tasks can be assigned to one or more employees. It is also possible to define a maximum percentage value an employee can/should work on a task. Public holidays, leaves, weekly working hours and some more parameters can be specified and are considered in the calculation.
According to this input the software compute time plans by minimizing the MSE (mean squared error) between expected and computed end dates.