public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & firewall

April 2007

February 2007

ClarkConnect - Server and Gateway - Linux Small Business Server SBS

by camel
ClarkConnect - Server and Gateway - Linux Small Business Server SBS

January 2007

[原创] Linux iptables firewall 設定常見 FAQ 整理 (最近更新時間:8/18/2006) -

by realmip
1. 如何查询我目前 iptables 的配置组态设定 ? 2. 如何关闭 Linux Distro 本身的 firewall 配置并让规则清空不启用? 3. 关于 RedHat 9, Fedora 与 RHEL 的 firewall 配置问题 4. 如何使用手动方式清空与重置 iptables firewall rule?

December 2006

November 2006

October 2006

Using iptables to rate-limit incoming connections

by dzc & 1 other
regle IpTables pour bloquer les attaques par dictionnaire sur un port (par exemple le port SSH)

September 2006

Installing and configuring FireHOL - Part 2

by xiaofeng
This is the second part of the introduction to FireHOL article . It covers more advanced topics that you might find useful, such as defining new services, selective filtering, and NAT. I suggest you read the first part of the article if you haven’t done so.

Installing and configuring FireHOL

by xiaofeng
A step by step tutorial to configure FireHOL as your firewall in Ubuntu Linux.

July 2006 | Installing a firewall on Ubuntu

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
Ubuntu's desktop install provides a bunch of useful software for desktop users, but it doesn't install a firewall by default. Luckily, it's really simple to get a firewall up and running on Ubuntu.

June 2006

May 2006

Guarddog, graphic user interface for linux firewall

by fredbird
Guarddog is a firewall configuration utility for Linux systems. Guarddog is aimed at two groups of users. Novice to intermediate users who are not experts in TCP/IP networking and security, and those users who don't want the hastle of dealing with cryptic shell scripts and ipchains/iptables parameters.

April 2006