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July 2008

How To Block Spammers/Hackers With mod_defensible On Apache2 (Debian Etch) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
mod_defensible is an Apache 2.x module intended to block spammers/hackers/script kiddies using DNSBL servers. It will look at the client IP and check it in one or several DNSBL servers and return a 403 Forbidden page to the client. This guide shows how to install and use it with Apache 2 on a Debian Etch server.

June 2008

Partage de connexion : proxy Squid

by Adri1bip (via)
Squid est un serveur Proxy/cache qui supporte les protocoles HTTP, FTP et SSL. Un proxy est un mandataire. Lorsque votre passerelle fait proxy, cela signifie que ses clients ne se connectent pas directement à Internet, mais demande au proxy de télécharger pour eux les pages dont ils ont besoin. Ce didacticiel n'a pas vraiment pour but l'installation d'un proxy transparent, mais plutôt la configuration d'un proxy avec blacklist et restriction d'accès par ip. Pour être efficace, en plus de Squid vous devez également installer Squidguard comme indiqué ICI.

Coagul - Installation de Squid et SquidGuard sur une Debian Testing

by Adri1bip & 1 other (via)
Ce document me sert de mémo pour installer Squid et SquidGuard sur une Debian Testing. Je le diffuse en espérant qu’il puisse servir à d’autres personnes.


by yakari35 (via)
Pour installer les derniers plugins de Compiz Fusion

How To Set Up A Load-Balanced MySQL Cluster With MySQL 5.1 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
This tutorial is based on Falko Timme's tutorial for MySQL Cluster 5.0. It shows how to configure a MySQL 5.1 cluster with five nodes: 1 x management, 2 x storage nodes and 2 x balancer nodes. This cluster is load-balanced by an Ultra Monkey package which provides heartbeat (for checking if the other node is still alive) and ldirectord (to split up the requests to the nodes of the MySQL cluster). In this document I use Debian Etch 4.0 for all nodes. Therefore the setup might differ a bit for other distributions. The two data nodes were x64 to use all of the 8GB RAM. Servers were compiled from source so you should be able to make it running on any platform. The MySQL version I use in this setup is 5.1.24-rc. It's a release candidate, but I wanted to use 5.1 to take advantage of Memory-Disk Based tables. Beginning with MySQL 5.1.6, it is possible to store the non-indexed columns of NDB tables on disk, rather than in RAM as with previous versions of MySQL Cluster.

May 2008

April 2008

How To Set Up A Debian Linux WebCam Server Using a USB Web Cam

by camel & 1 other
First and foremost, be prepared to have some patience when trying to get a USB cam to work under Linux. In trying to get mine to work, I searched many a newsgroup thread only to find there was only one message in the thread, the original question stating the problem. i.e. no one had an answer for the person who posted the question so you may be on your own trying to get your cam to work. Often times the same camera model will use different drivers for different sub-models (ex: not all QuickCam Express sub-models use the same driver). However, my trials and tribulations were a good learning experience and I'll share what I learned here to hopefully make your setup easier.

Damn Small Linux is light | Le blog de Yohann CIURLIK | Spawnrider.Net :: Blog

by camel
sortie de la version 4.3 de Damn Small Linux. C’est une distribution très légère de 50Mo environ basée sur Knoppix, Debian et GNU Linux. Elle peut s’intaller sur : * Une clé USB, * Une carte Compact Flash via la méthode dite “Frugal Install”, * Un mini-cd, * Un ordinateur 486DX avec 16MB de RAM, * 128 Mo de mémoire RAM. Bref, une pure merveille pour les vieilles machines ou les petites configuration (les pc embarqués et les nano-ITX). A l’intérieur, des tonnes de logiciels. Et oui, avec 50 Mo vous pourrez en faire des choses.Navigateur, client Mail, suite office légére, XMMS, client FTP, AIM, ICQ, …

[] Accueil du site

by esion
Articles, how-to administration linux / debian

March 2008

Using ATA Over Ethernet On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 2 others (via)
Imagine you have a machine with all of its disk full and another with unused gigabytes, and you don't want to move the data from one to the other. Why not using the second's disk on the first, you can do it with iSCSI but you can do it with ATA over Ethernet (AoE) too. It's the second method I'll explain in this article. All of this was made with two computers running Debian Etch.

Installing mod_geoip for Apache2 On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other
This guide explains how to set up mod_geoip with Apache2 on a Debian Etch system. mod_geoip looks up the IP address of the client end user. This allows you to redirect or block users based on their country. You can also use this technology for your OpenX (formerly known as OpenAds or phpAdsNew) ad server to allow geo targeting.

How To Install And Use The djbdns Name Server On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other
djbdns is a very secure suite of DNS tools that consists out of multiple parts: dnscache, a DNS cache that can be used in /etc/resolv.conf instead of your ISP's name servers and that tries to sort out wrong (malicious) DNS answers; axfrdns, a service that runs on the master DNS server and to which the slaves connect for zone transfers; and tinydns, the actual DNS server, a very secure replacement for BIND.

February 2008

Setting Up A High-Availability Load Balancer (With Failover and Session Support) With HAProxy/Heartbeat On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other
This article explains how to set up a two-node load balancer in an active/passive configuration with HAProxy and heartbeat on Debian Etch. The load balancer sits between the user and two (or more) backend Apache web servers that hold the same content. Not only does the load balancer distribute the requests to the two backend Apache servers, it also checks the health of the backend servers. If one of them is down, all requests will automatically be redirected to the remaining backend server. In addition to that, the two load balancer nodes monitor each other using heartbeat, and if the master fails, the slave becomes the master, which means the users will not notice any disruption of the service. HAProxy is session-aware, which means you can use it with any web application that makes use of sessions (such as forums, shopping carts, etc.). From the HAProxy web site: "HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing. Supporting tens of thousands of connections is clearly realistic with todays hardware. Its mode of operation makes its integration into existing architectures very easy and riskless, while still offering the possibility not to expose fragile web servers to the Net."

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