public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags javascript & webdev

December 2009

Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage

by Krome & 1 other

Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter chart types.

November 2009

Raphaël—Vector Graphics JavaScript Library

by ycc2106 & 13 others
Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. If you want to create your own specific chart or image crop and rotate widget, for example, you can achieve it simply and easily with this library.

October 2009


by ycc2106
Underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides a lot of the functional programming support that you would expect in Prototype.js (or Ruby), but without extending any of the built-in JavaScript objects. It's the tie to go along with jQuery's tux. Collections each, map, reduce, detect, select, reject, all, any, include, invoke, pluck, max, min, sortBy, sortedIndex, toArray, size Arrays first, last, compact, flatten, without, uniq, intersect, zip, indexOf, lastIndexOf Functions bind, bindAll, delay, defer, wrap, compose Objects keys, values, extend, clone, isEqual, isElement, isArray, isFunction, isUndefined Utility noConflict, identity, uniqueId, template

September 2009


by Krome & 11 others, 1 comment
the next generation commenting system. It’s the way to share your content, and watch the live reaction. You can quickly embed Echo on WordPress, Blogger, or any website and turn your static pages into a real-time stream of diggs, tweets, comments and more.

August 2009

Test Swarm: Distributed Continuous Integration for JavaScript

by ycc2106 & 2 others
The primary goal of TestSwarm is to take the complicated, and time-consuming, process of running JavaScript test suites in multiple browsers and to grossly simplify it. It achieves this goal by providing all the tools necessary for creating a continuous integration workflow for your JavaScript project. If you are a casual user of some open source JavaScript libraries and wish to help them generate high-quality test results for their project then TestSwarm is the perfect way to get involved. Right now is open for alpha testing.

Online javascript beautifier

by ycc2106 & 7 others
This beautifier can process your messy or compacted javascript, making it all neatly and consistently formatted and readable. You can always see the latest version of the code in github, and you can download the beautifier for local use (zip, tar.gz) as well.

Chroma-Hash Demo

by Krome & 1 other

a sexy, secure visualization of password field input

July 2009

Text Escaping and Unescaping in JavaScript

by Krome & 1 other

Text Escaping and Unescaping in JavaScript