public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags javascript & ruby

March 2006

February 2006

Building an OS X like sliding dock with JavaScript and CSS (Part 2)

by drunkenmaster
Part 2 of a detailed write-up on how to implement a cool auto-hiding, transparent dock with JS and CSS. This part describes how the actual animation works.

Building an OS X like sliding dock with JavaScript and CSS

by drunkenmaster
Part 1 of a detailed write-up on how to implement a cool auto-hiding, transparent dock with JS and CSS.

January 2006

KavaScript - for the discriminating coder

by cascamorto & 1 other (via)
KavaScript breathes new life into JavaScript by extending it with syntax and features inspired by expressive, dynamic languages like Ruby and Perl. KavaScript is an enhanced dialect of JavaScript designed to make your coding more productive, rewarding, and fun.

Developers Guide to Semantic Web Toolkits for different Programming Languages

by cascamorto & 1 other (via)
all the programming frameworks for Semantic Web : C - Haskell - Java - JavaScript - Common Lisp - .Net/Mono - Perl - PHP - Pike - Prolog - Python - Ruby - Proprietary Languages


by jackysee & 1 other (via)
寫用 Ruby-style 的 javascript code ,然後用轉換器轉成正常的 Javascript

December 2005

Real-world Rails RJS templates

by Ganf
Vues javascript dans ruby on rails

Rails RJS Templates

by Ganf & 3 others
Modèles javascript dans ruby on rails

Beautiful JavaScript-Powered Pages

by franckmahon & 1 other
, well-factored Javascript. The AJAX goodness is flowing. What about clients who don’t have JS enabled? I just shrug my shoulders and say that “it just works” for them too! Since none of the JS is there, links to actions are followed just like any o

November 2005

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag javascript

Bootsnipp +   conception web +   css +   front end +   html +   Rich Snippets +   snippet +   twitter bootstrap +