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PUBLIC MARKS with tags javascript & css

June 2010 { content: "Homepage"; }

by Krome & 4 others
Say goodbye to the browser-specific properties and hacks cluttering your files and say hello to lean, mean CSS. With eCSStender, when you write the rules, browsers pay attention.

RGAA - Accessibilité pour les Administrations

by astrochoupe
Présentation du Référentiel Général d'Accessibilité pour les Administrations

May 2010

Code Standards | Isobar

by nhoizey & 1 other
"This document contains normative guidelines for web applications built by the Interface Development practice of Isobar North America (previously Molecular)"

Slidy : How to create an HTML Slideshow

by Monique
create a slide show / PowerPoint like presentation using just HTML, CSS and JavaScript

jamespadolsey's satisfy at master - GitHub

by ghis (via)
Satisfy is a stand-alone (no dependencies) JavaScript function for generating HTML from CSS selectors. It's incredibly simple.

April 2010


by nhoizey & 2 others
"inserts a layout grid in web pages"

Gomodo moteur de recherche pour les développeurs web, rechercher dans les documentations officielles et les sites de référence : PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Prototype

by dzc & 3 others
Gomodo est un moteur de recherche dédié aux développeurs web, il permet de rechercher dans les documentations officielles et les sites de références des langages PHP, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT les frameworks comme prototype ou jquery...

March 2010

jQuery Spritely | Spritely

by ghis & 1 other
jQuery.spritely is a jQuery plugin created by Artlogic for creating dynamic character and background animation in pure HTML and JavaScript. It's a simple, light-weight plugin with a few simple methods for creating animated sprites such as the birds you see on this page, and dynamic scrolling backgrounds.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag javascript

ajax +   css +   dom +   fade +   iframe +   magazine +   news +   programming +   Quick Blinks +   reference +   resources +   rss +   shell +   software +   tutorial +   web +