public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags java & opensource

August 2007

July 2007

Home - Art of Illusion

by ycc2106 & 5 others
open source 3D modelling and rendering studio. It is written entirely in Java, and should be usable on any Java Virtual Machine which is compatible with J2SE 1.4 or later.

June 2007

Chat en Ajax

by lecyborg & 2 others
Ajax Chat Engine ACE est un moteur un Chat qui permet de communiquer via votre navigateur, sans aucun applet JAVA. Ajax Chat Engine est divisé en deux parties : * ACE Server Totalement indépendant, le server simule un server HTTP et forge ses informations telles que la technologie AJAX peut les interpreter. Developpé en C et grace aux tables de Hashages, les performances sont incontestablement puissantes et peu gourmandes en ressources. MySQL est utilisé uniquement lors du Login de l'user pour plus de praticité, ensuite le server gère lui même la gestion des informations. * ACE client Developpé en JavaScript grace à la technologie AJAX, le client n'a besoin d'aucun programme exterieur comme un applet JAVA ou CGI. La légèreté et portabilité de ACE Client est donc son atout principal.

Openmeetings |

by simon_bricolo & 3 others
Multi-Language Customizable Video-Conferencing and Collaboration

April 2007

jMemorize - Learning made easy (and fun) - A Leitner flashcards tool

by lecyborg
jMemorize is an free open-source Java application that manages your learning processes by using flashcards and the famous Leitner system. jMemorize makes memorizing facts not only more efficient but also more fun. It boosts your whole learning experience and features categories, statistics and a visually appealing and intuitive interface.

March 2007

February 2007

JWebUnit - JWebUnit 1.x

by bhenriet & 2 others
JWebUnit is a Java framework that facilitates creation of acceptance tests for web applications. It evolved from a project where we were using JUnit to create acceptance tests. Also, we can have different testing engines. Currently, only HtmlUnit plugin i

Open Source Testing Tools in Java

by bhenriet & 2 others
List of Open Source Testing Tools in Java

Découverte de SWT/JFace

by maxxyme
La bibliothèque graphique SWT, créée pour le projet Eclipse, fait de l'ombre à celles de Sun, AWT et Swing. Performances, composants natifs : découvrez ses avantages.

January 2007

P6Spy Open Source Software

by Elryk & 1 other (via)
Ce wrapper de connexion jdbc Permet d'espionner toutes les requêtes SQL.

December 2006

Lius - LIUS - Lucene Index Update and Search

by psylle & 1 other
LIUS is an indexing Java framework based on the Jakarta Lucene project. The LIUS framework index : MsWorld, MsExcel, MsPowerPoint, RTF, PDF, XML, HTML, TXT, OpenOffice suite, ZIP files, MP3, VCard, Latex and JavaBeans

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