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PUBLIC MARKS with tags iphone & safari




Vos bookmarks Foxmark sur votre iPhone

by nhoizey
Links in a Blink est une application iPhone gratuite permettant de télécharger vos marque-pages associés à votre compte Google ou Foxmark.


Ultimate multi-column liquid layouts (em and pixel widths)

by greut & 4 others

This series of layouts use pixel and em widths and relative positioning, and they work with all the common web browsers including Safari on the iPhone and iPod touch. They're also 'stackable' so you can use multiple column types on the one page.

liquid layout for the win!

iPhone Dev Center - Apple Developer Connection

by mozkart (via)
Safari on iPhone and iPod touch uses the same Web Kit engine as Safari on the computer desktop. With the Safari Web Kit engine, you can develop sophisticated Web 2.0 sites and applications that impress and delight iPhone users. To design a web application that shines on iPhone and ensures a great user experience, you’ll want to: Understand the capabilities of iPhone Follow established design practices for the web Adopt iPhone-specific design principles The following guidelines will help you prepare web content and design a website or web-based application for iPhone. If you are a seasoned web developer, there are probably just a few refinements you can make to ensure that your site looks great and works best on iPhone. You’ll need to read only those guidelines that are unique to iPhone. If you are fairly new to web development, you’ll want to make sure that you understand web standards and established web design best practices before following any iPhone-specific guidelines.


Marketcircle: iPhoney

by julie & 13 others (via)
Looking for a way to see how your web creations will look on iPhone? Look no further. iPhoney gives you a pixel-accurate web browsing environment—powered by Safari—that you can use when developing web sites for iPhone. It's the perfect 320 by 480-pixel canvas for your iPhone development. And it's free.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag iphone

apple +   computer +   development +   gadget +   ipod +   ipodtouch +   python +  

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