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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ipad & mobile


'Pinch' connects multiple smartphones and tablets together to make a display | The Verge

by sbrothier
Not content with synchronizing your phones to make one giant speaker? Researchers at the Tokyo University of Technology have developed "Pinch," an interface that lets you connect multiple devices together to form a giant disjointed display. Although the technology behind the interface remains a mystery — described only as a Wi-Fi based system — a video posted by DigInfo TV shows Pinch in action. To connect two devices, a user simply needs to pinch two adjacent screens together. The screens can be linked together in whatever alignment you choose, as the position and screen size of each display is communicated on a successful pinch. It's not the first time developers have managed to link together multiple smartphone displays, but this is definitely the slickest interface we've seen.


Alma, une Enfant de la Violence pour iPad sur l’iTunes App Store

by srcmax & 1 other
La confession sans fard, les yeux dans les yeux, d’Alma,
 qui a appartenu pendant 5 ans à l’un des gangs 
les plus violents du Guatemala, pays aujourd’hui décimé 
par une guerre qui ne dit pas son nom.

Applidium — Vous utilisez sans doute l'une de nos applications mobiles.

by gregg
Vous utilisez sans doute l'une de nos applications mobiles. Notre métier est d'imaginer et de développer des applications sur iPhone, iPad et Android. Les rendre pratiques, intuitives et réactives est notre exigence. Ainsi totalisent-elles déjà 20 millions d'utilisateurs.

Des applications et des services pour marier télé et tablette

by sbrothier
La création du département "Nouvelles écritures" au sein du groupe public en août 2011 a clairement imprimé le rythme aux équipes de production. Des pages Facebook dédiées aux émissions, en passant par des applications tablettes et smartphones d'information en temps réel (FTV Info) ou de télévision de rattrapage (Francetv Pluzz), avec guide TV, direct et personnalisation, tous les secteurs sont abordés. France 5, quelques mois après le lancement de son application Zouzous destinée aux enfants, va bientôt proposer un nouveau service sur iPad rattaché à l'émission "C à vous", afin de mixer social TV et télé connectée, de façon immersive et synchronisée (par marquage sonore) en direct avec l'émission diffusée à l'antenne. Les espaces cuisine, séjour ou salle à manger du loft d'Allessandra Sublet permettront de retrouver les éléments diffusés et d'interagir avec les chroniqueurs et les invités.

« Devant ma TV » : on a testé l'expérience second écran de M6 - Page 1 - PC INpact

by sbrothier
Depuis quelques mois, les chaînes de TV ont décidé de se lancer dans les expériences de second écran. Un concept que nous avions approché lors de l'arrivée des nouvelles chaînes de la TNT, mais qui se renforce avec des applications de plus en plus complètes. Désormais, vous pouvez regarder, commenter mais aussi interagir avec le programme. Une belle promesse qui pourrait cacher des choses intéressantes... ou pas. Nous avons décidé de faire le point en commençant par « Devant ma TV » de M6, exploité pendant l'émission « J'ai décidé d'être heureux ».


Nicholas Zambetti – LiveView for iPhone & iPad

by oseres & 1 other (via)
LiveView is a specialized remote screen viewing application intended as a tool to help designers create graphics for mobile applications, it has also proven to be useful for creating quick and dirty simulations, demos, and experience prototypes. FOR VISUAL DESIGNERS — Develop pixel–perfect graphics for the iPhone and iPad quickly and easily with a live view of your canvas/artboard while you work. LiveView is compatible with both standard and Retina displays. FOR INTERACTION DESIGNERS — With your iPhone or iPad tethered via WiFi, you can interact with software prototypes and demos running on your Mac to communicate and iterate your concepts quickly. FOR EVERYONE — If you've ever needed to press a button from afar or wished that you could take a piece of your monitor with you across the room, this app may prove useful from time to time. Inspired by and created to support the vibrant prototyping culture at IUAV.

Multiscreen Patterns | precious, strategic design & visual language

by sbrothier (via)
During the last years, our design studio has been involved in many different projects – from designing mainly websites and desktop software in our early days, to smartphone apps, prototypes for TV interfaces and more recently, applications for tablet devices. Working for all those devices was interesting and challenging. Not just because of the diverse screen sizes and input methods, but because we learned in our user research how different the contexts are in which these gadgets are used. » Archive du blog » Vers une standardisation des bannières riches mobiles »

by sbrothier
Lancée en fin d’année dernière, l’initiative Rich Media Designs for Mobile de Google se présente sous la forme d’une série de gabarits standardisés de formats publicitaires enrichis pour les smartphones et tablettes. Une démarche qui a visiblement reçu le soutien de la profession avec cette distinction récemment acquise : IAB names Google winner of their Mobile Rising Stars contest.

Team Coco To Go @

by sbrothier
Are you Team Coco? Sure you are. So check out your mobile options for keeping up with the latest from Conan O’Brien & crew. It’s like having a teeny-tiny late-night talk show with you at all times — in a sexy techno-gizmo that vibrates!

3D ARchitecture App - Google SketchUp on iPhone & iPad

by sbrothier
Make your Google SketchUp models mobile on the iPhone and iPad With the App for architects and building professionals. Now available on the App Store here! FREE to download with sample model included.


by sbrothier & 1 other
The ePawn Arena is a revolutionary yet affordable 26” screen that interfaces with smartphones, tablets and PCs to allow gamers to use real world game pieces with their online and mobile games. Leveraging ePawn’s patented real-time object-tracking technology, the ePawn Arena bridges real- and virtual-gaming by bringing back the simple thrill of real touch feeling.

Share | Zwoor

by oseres
All event materials at your fingertips for your Conference, Tradeshow or Event participants. Your Event Materials Go Mobile Your attendees carry an iPhone, an iPad or an Android smartphone, and they now expect the agenda, the meeting materials, maps, tradeshow exhibitors and conference alerts right at their fingertips. Our native apps do not require connectivity all the time, and we know that some of the conference or trade show venues are not built with connectivity in mind. With our app, we store the data on the mobile device, and synch only when connected. We would love to mobilize your conference,  trade show or other type of event. If interested, please contact us:

blackdynamo/jQuery-Mobile-Carousel - GitHub

by srcmax
A Sencha style carousel plugin for jquery mobile

Journal des spectacles - ARTE Live Web

by srcmax
Outre l’adaptation aux nombreux formats disponibles sur le marché, l’autre gageure était de rendre la profondeur du site avec moins d’espace disponible. C’est le studio Upian, déjà responsable de la version classique du site, qui a planché sur cette interface.


Introducing the new responsive-designed | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA

by sbrothier
The Boston Globe flipped the switch today on its accessible, progressive enhancement and responsive-design based subscription news site. As front-end development leads on the project (with Ethan Marcotte at our side), we're very honored to have been involved.

The Best iPad Mobile Office Suites |

by oseres (via)
The Best iPad Mobile Office Suites Business doesn't stop because you've moved from your Mac or PC to an iPad. These mobile office suites will help you get things done when you're away from the desktop.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ipad

apple +   AppStore +   best practices +   design +   iphone +   media +   tutoriaux +  

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