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PUBLIC MARKS with tags interface & mac

2007 · The HIG still matters, even with special effects

by sbrothier
Changes to the Dock in Leopard do not follow the Human Interface Guidelines

quicksilver: also makes julienne fries

by sbrothier & 30 others
At first glance, Quicksilver is a launcher. Command Window When opened, it will create a catalog of applications and some frequently used folders and documents. Activate it, and you can search for and open anything in its catalog instantly. The search is adaptive, so Quicksilver will recognize which items you are searching for based on previous experience. It also supports abbreviations, so you can type entire words, or just fragments of each. When not in use, Quicksilver vanishes, waiting for the next time you summon it. Apple's Next-Generation Themes

by sbrothier
See, I was going to originally title this "Apple's Secret Theme Tool!!", in an effort to clutch your e-eyeballs dramatically. (I've gotta get this here vortal to be more sticky!) Unfortunately, a public patent filing isn't exactly "secret". And this is all about one of the most interesting Apple patent filings I've seen lately.



by nhoizey (via)
XNJB is a Cocoa graphical user interface for Mac OS X for the Creative Nomad range of portable MP3 players. It uses the excellent library libnjb for low-level jukebox communication.

2005 Pixel Imperfection

by sbrothier
Three cosmetic flaws that, more than anything, disclose the author's continued descent towards the final ("Siracusa") level of interface design neurosis/obsession.

The iTunes 5 Announcement From the Perspective of an Anthropomorphized Brushed Metal User Interface Theme

by sbrothier
Brushed Metal, QuickTime Player still loves you, man. You got some real history there. Don’t forget iCal.

Mac Mini for Mom

by sbrothier
My Mom’s old EMachines Win98 box wasn’t actually broken, but it was tough to support remotely and the camera-company software that came with her digicam was really lame. So I ordered her a Mac mini and now it’s up and running. This gave me a (rare) chance to watch the OS X experience through a novice’s eyes.

Delicious Library

by sunny & 37 others
Un utilitaire sur mac pour gérer sa bibliothèque de livres, dvd, etc. Et le méga truc c'est qu'il lit les codes barres grâce à une simple webcam et il va rechercher instantanément toutes les infos du produit sur amazon :D