public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag information

January 2010

December 2009

vaccin contre la grippe

by ChriMi & 5 others, 1 comment
Faut-il ou non se faire vacciner contre la grippe ? Eléments de réponse du docteur Dominique Dupagne avec de nombreuses explications pédagogiques...

November 2009

Flare | Data Visualization for the Web

by alphoenix & 10 others
Flare is an ActionScript library for creating visualizations that run in the Adobe Flash Player. From basic charts and graphs to complex interactive graphics, the toolkit supports data management, visual encoding, animation, and interaction techniques. Even better, flare features a modular design that lets developers create customized visualization techniques without having to reinvent the wheel.

The Community for Greening the Home - Green Home Improvement

by ycc2106
Where eco-consious homeowners and green-certified contractors meet, share and green our world.

Qui a la plus grosse quéquette sur Twitter ?

by nhoizey
"Rien de nouveau sur Internet. Les geeks s’amusent. Certains en font un business pour allumer les gogos. C’est la vie."

Photojournalistes multimedia

by Gladys De Micheli
"Le photojournaliste de demain sera un caméléon, capable d’enregistrer des images, du son et de la vidéo, de coder des pages web et de diffuser du contenu à une communauté de lecteurs qu’il aura construite." (c)Gerald Holubowicz

October 2009 - How does your website score?

by ycc2106
Type in a domain name and find out how a website scores. ScoreInTheBox uses a unique formula consists of variables, such as PageRank, backlinks and popularity to calculate a score for each website entered. We provide a place where you can learn more about your and your competitor websites so that you know how you can effectly optimize your website. Furthermore you can also show off your score on your website by embedding the scoreboard into your website.

Know thy Congressman

by ycc2106
"KTC" is a bookmarklet that displays an abundance of political and biographical information about current members of the Senate and House of Representatives. - tracking your tweeps!

by ycc2106
What do they tweet about? How much do they tweet? How social are they? Do they use hashtags? Share URLs? answers these questions and more. We analyze the content of Twitter users' tweets to find interesting statistics about them. We'll even tell you whether a user seems to be a prominent person or celebrity, or whether they display bot-like behavior.

Forex Finder - Online Forex Broker Reviews

by ycc2106
Pertinent info on forex brokers can be procured here


by ycc2106
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