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May 2006

April 2006

Visualisation de l'information dans le portail STAF18

by solveig_vidal
Le volume d'information qui est généré et stocké devient de plus en plus difficile à explorer et à analyser. La visualisation de l'information propose différentes techniques pour visualiser de grands ensembles de données. Dans notre travail, nous avons d'abord étudié la classification des techniques selon Keim. Puis nous avons exploré le portail Staf18 et nous nous sommes demandés quelle(s) information(s) peuvent être représentée(s) visuellement. Enfin, nous avons réalisé un dispositif développé en langage SVG en utilisant une technique de visualisation appropriée pour ce type d'information.


by solveig_vidal
monographies visualisations (amazone japon)

CAIDA : tools : measurement : skitter

by solveig_vidal (via)
skitter is a tool for actively probing the Internet in order to analyze topology and performance.

Visualization at HCIL

by solveig_vidal & 1 other
Visualization We believe that the future of user interfaces is in the direction of larger, information-abundant displays. With such designs, the worrisome flood of information can be turned into a productive river of knowledge. Our experience during the past eight years has been that visual query formulation and visual display of results can be combined with the successful strategies of direct manipulation. Human perceptual skills are are quite remarkable and largely underutilized in current information and computing systems. Based on this insight, we developed dynamic queries, starfield displays, treemaps, treebrowsers, zoomable user interfaces, and a variety of widgets to present, search, browse, filter, and compare rich information spaces. There are many visual alternatives but the basic principle for browsing and searching might be summarized as the Visual Information Seeking Mantra: Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on-demand. In several projects we rediscovered this principle and therefore wrote it down and highlighted it as a continuing reminder. If we can design systems with effective visual displays, direct manipulation interfaces, and dynamic queries then users will be able to responsibly and confidently take on even more ambitious tasks.

Visualisation de l'information

by solveig_vidal
Eric Lecolinet - ENST/INFRES - CNRS URA 820 Tutoriel

OLIVE: On-line Library of Information Visualization Environments

by solveig_vidal
Welcome to OLIVE, the On-line Library of Information Visualization Environments! Listed to the left are eight categories of information visualization environments differentiated by data type.

March 2006

citewiz-tech.pdf (Objet application/pdf)

by solveig_vidal (via)
The management of citation data for scientific articles is part of everyday life for a researcher. In this paper, we present CiteWiz, an extensible framework for visualization of scientific networks. The system is based on a taxonomy of citation database usage for researchers, and uses the Growing Polygons causality visualization technique, suitably modified to the context of citation data. Using this technique, hierarchies of articles with potentially very long citation chains can be graphically represented. The visualization is augmented with mechanisms for parent-child visualization, color assignment, as well as suitable interaction techniques for interacting with the view hierarchy and the individual articles in the dataset. Furthermore, the tool includes a static timeline visualization for overviewing the causality and importance of authors and articles in a citation database. Informal pilot studies with active researchers indicate that CiteWiz is useful for a wide range of scientific activities, and could well become a standard tool in their everyday work.

An Organic User Interface For Searching Citation Links

by solveig_vidal (via)
This paper describes Butterfly, an Information Visualizer application for accessing DIALOG's Science Citation databases across the Internet.

Designing the User Interface

by solveig_vidal (via)
Le livre intitulé "Designing the User Interface" est découpé en chapitre sur ce site.