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PUBLIC MARKS with tags image & javascript

July 2007

swfIR: swf Image Replacement

by ronpish & 25 others
swfIR (swf Image Replacement) is here to solve some of the design limitations of the standard HTML image and its widely-accepted associated CSS values, while still supporting standards-based design concepts. Using the dark arts of JavaScript and Flash, swfIR gives you the ability to apply an assortment of visual effects to any or all images on your website. Through progressive enhancement, it looks through your page and can easily add some new flavor to standard image styling.


by Hieroglyphe & 13 others
Instant.js 1.12 allows you to add an instant picture effect (including tilt) to images on your webpages. It uses unobtrusive javascript to keep your code clean.

June 2007 » JavaScript Image Cropper UI, using Prototype &

by camel & 6 others
The JavaScript image cropper UI allows the user to crop an image using an interface with the same features and styling as found in commercial image editing software, and is is based on the Prototype JavaScript framework and

Highslide JS - JavaScript thumbnail viewer

by camel & 27 others
Highslide JS is a piece of JavaScript that streamlines the use of thumbnail images on web pages. The library offers these features and advantages: * No plugins like Flash or Java required. * Popup blockers are no problem. The images expand within the active browser window. * Single click. After expanding the image, the user can scroll further down or leave the page without restoring the image. * The approach uses two separate images. No heavy full-size image packed into thumbnail display size! The full-size image is loaded in the background either on page load or when the user clicks the thumb. You specify this option in the script's settings. * Compatibility and safe fallback. If the user has disabled JavaScript or the JavaScript fails in any way, the browser redirects directly to the image itself. This fallback is able to cope with most exceptions and incompatibilities.

Du côté de chez Xuan - Ressources / Javascript / Splash (image plein écran et diaporama)

by camel & 2 others
Splash est un script permettant d'afficher en plein écran une image. Pas de fioritures dans ce dernier, il n'est pas nécessaire d'inclure les librairies prototype, et JQuery.

JonDesign's (Javascript) SmoothGallery: Mootools Mojo for Images | What is it ?

by jdrsantos & 10 others
Using mootools v1.0, this javascript gallery and slideshow system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website...

May 2007


by maxxyme & 4 others (via)
LyteBox was written from the Lightbox class that Lokesh Dhakar ( originally wrote. The purpose was to write a self-contained object that eliminated the dependency of prototype.js, effects.js, and scriptaculous.js

Lightbox 2

by maxxyme & 89 others
Version 2 of this simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on a current page.


by kooolman & 27 others
Alors ça, je l'installe de suite sur mon blog. Je ne sais aps encore pour quoi faire mais je vais trouver :) Ca devrait plaîre à Denis, toujours à la recherche de beaux petits joujoux de ce genre.

April 2007

Remplacement Dynamique de Texte

by temps & 10 others
Traduction FR : Remplacement Dynamique de Texte par image à la volée

March 2007

Random Image Rotator Working Again | D'Arcy Norman dot net

by plasticdreams
random images もだけど,コメントの並び順を変えるスクリプトが面白そうなので試用予定。