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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ie6 & html

March 2009

Reinspire :: Using Transparent PNGs in Internet Explorer

by naudjf (via)
the AlphaImageLoader uses the path of the html doc that calls it, not the path of the CSS document,

January 2009

HTML is soooo dead

by nhoizey
Voilà un site de partage de photo, vidéo, musique et blog qui a tout de ses classiques concurrents faits en HTML, mais c'est du full Flash. Bin oui, pourquoi faire KISS quand on peut faire compliqué, non standard, inaccessible, lent, compatible IE6, etc. ?

January 2008

IE Duplicate Characters Bug - CSS fixes and workarounds

by naudjf & 1 other
euh, le bug du jour. je suis tombé dessus ce matin. => il peut arriver que ie6 buggue quand dans son code HTML on a : 1. postionné des éléments en fottant 2. mis des commentaires HTML ! J'ai cru devenir fou jusqu'à tomber sur cet article. Ce bug a bien été identifié.

October 2007

jQuery.ifixpng - png transparency for windows ie versions below 6

by camel & 10 others (via)
As you know IE versions below 6 do not support png transparency. This plugin designed to fix that problem by applying appropriate filters to user specified elements, while keeping all element tags intact. Plugin works well with both img elements within the DOM and css properties specified externally. • It is chainable. • Unlike some other png hack solutions, it does not replace/hide any of your html tags. • You can revert applied changes using .iunfixpng(). • Extremely easy to use!

August 2007

Single line of HTML crashes IE 6

by marco
A Japanese blogger who goes by the name Hamachiya2 has discovered a single line of HTML and CSS that crashes IE 6

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ie6

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last mark : 07/08/2007 08:28