public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag html

28 March 2013


by Marine & 1 other
Dashing is a Sinatra based framework that lets you build beautiful dashboards.

22 March 2013

Drop Down FX list

by Paykhan
Effet drop down animé

18 March 2013

15 March 2013

14 March 2013


by Paykhan
Jquery Masonry Style fluid

11 March 2013

Webflow - Design Responsive Websites Visually

by dzc & 2 others
Design Responsive Websites Visually Build using our powerful and intuitive UI. Export production-ready HTML & CSS

05 March 2013

Webflow - Design Responsive Websites Visually

by gregg & 2 others
Design Responsive Websites Visually Build using our powerful and intuitive UI. Export production-ready HTML & CSS

22 February 2013

Listing snipps |

by dzc & 1 other
Bootsnipp est une collection de snippets (HTML/CSS, JS) et éléments graphiques qui viennent compléter le framework Bootstrap développé par Twitter. Vous retrouverez tout un tas d’interfaces externes au framework prêtes à l’utilisation : formulaires, barres de navigation, sliders, graphiques… mais aussi des cas très spécifiques (fenêtre de tweet, interface Gmail, etc). Bref, c’est assez varié. Un petit copier-coller et le tour est joué.

21 February 2013

20 February 2013

19 February 2013

17 February 2013

Migrating from Ember.js to AngularJS « Otaku, Cedric's blog

by oseres (via)
I recently spent some time converting a medium-sized Javascript application using Ember.js to AngularJS, here are a few thoughts about the migration. First of all, why migrate at all? The Ember.js code is based on a 0.9x version and as Ember.js is approaching 1.0, I was growing increasingly nervous at the thought of porting the application to 1.0 considering the number of breaking changes that the new version contains (nothing wrong with that, it’s the risk you take when you use a pre-release version). Since there would be major work involved, I thought that taking another look at Angular wouldn’t hurt. Overall, Angular is a much more extensive framework than Ember. On top of offering a binding/MVC framework, Angular supports: Modules. You pick and choose which functionalities you want and you can create modules of your own code as well. Injection and testability. This should come as no surprise since one of Angular’s main developers, Misko, is a regular poster on Google’s testing blog. Support for partials and inclusion of templates. This is another thing I really missed with Ember.js, which offers no easy way to break down your HTML templates into smaller, more manageable files. Angular allows you to do this either through routes and partials or straight inclusion of files. Documentation. While the Ember.js documentation is fairly large, I found it very unorganized and I often resorted to searching the page to find what I need. In contrast, Angular’s documentation follows a clean structure where each page contains a full example of the concept being explained (a trend I wish more documentations followed: with this kind of model, it doesn’t matter much if your documentation is well written as long as the code samples work. Also, I really like the way they present the code in these samples, with individual panels for the HTML, Javascript and any other file you might need).

14 February 2013

12 February 2013

10 February 2013

30 January 2013


by emmeffe & 2 others
Social snippet repository


by emmeffe & 2 others
The free HTML5 video player