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PUBLIC MARKS with tag html5

17 July 2009

15 July 2009

10 July 2009

In defense of web developers – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report

by François Hodierne
Vendredi 03:25 heure de paris, Jeffrey Zeldman reprends l'avantage. Jeffrey 3 - Mark 1. Service Pilgrim.

08 July 2009

An Unofficial Q&A about the Discontinuation of the XHTML2 WG

by tehu & 2 others, 1 comment (via)

Cher co-équipier du XHTML, sache que ce Mr Zeldman se trompe. This is not the end of the road. Il reste une place à bord de notre voiture. Mais tu imagines bien que ce n'est pas celle du chauffeur. Faut pas trop rêver là...

Signé Henri, le nouveau copain de Damien (la confrérie des ingénieurs nés sous Java, c'est un peu l'amicale internationale du sarcasme et des grosses bourrades dans le dos)

07 July 2009

06 July 2009

An Unofficial Q&A about the Discontinuation of the XHTML2 WG

by night.kame & 2 others, 1 comment

Which one should I use: HTML5 or XHTML5?

In most cases, the answer is HTML5. XHTML5 doesn’t work in IE. (Just like technical XHTML has never worked in IE. Only the marketing kind of XHTML has worked in IE.)

Sauf que HTML 5 en syntaxe HTML5 ne marche (et ne marchera) pas plus dans IE que dans la sérialisation pseudo-XML de HTML 5 abusivement appelée XHTML5. Encore de la bonne grosse désinformation de la part de la WTF.

Decoding the HTML 5 video codec debate

by marco & 1 other
There is a clear need for an open alternative, but the codec controversy could make it difficult.

03 July 2009

HTML5 Drum Kit | RandomThink Labs

by Krome & 1 other
Brian Arnold created a fun sample drum machine simulator using HTML5

02 July 2009

HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML 5 today

by ghis & 2 others
Blog pour aider à utiliser dès à présent HTML5.


by tehu & 13 others (via)

Faruk Ateş :

What makes Modernizr different from a lot of other, existing approaches is that it doesn’t use any UserAgent sniffing at all—in fact, Modernizr was partially designed and developed precisely to put an end to UA sniffing. It is a bad, unsafe and unreliable practice so the more alternatives we have to do it right, the better.

01 July 2009

Yes, You Can Use HTML 5 Today! [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]

by night.kame & 1 other, 2 comments
"Oui, vous pouvez utiliser HTML 5 aujourd'hui", ça c'est le titre. Après, sur trois pages, l'auteur explique comment bricoler une solution bancale avec un bout de scotch, deux trombones et trois punaises parce qu'en fait : on ne peut pas.

Yes, You Can Use HTML 5 Today

by tehu & 1 other, 2 comments
Bruce Lawson - Sitepoint

29 June 2009

html5.js > html5-now - Dean Edwards

by tehu, 2 comments

A JavaScript library to support HTML5 in non-compliant browsers

pas encore sorti

Add. Bruce Lawson : Dean was showing his new JavaScript library that plugs the holes in browsers’ HTML 5 implementations. If a browser does do something natively, ther library does nothing; otherwise it fills that gap—so now you can have Web Forms with all browsers, canvas in IE. As a bonus, it’s all keyboard accessible, everything looks like native UI controls and it even inherits the native Windows themes. I’m looking forward to helping beta test this baby.


by tehu & 2 others
helping you implement html5 today

22 June 2009

Daring Fireball Linked List: Adobe on HTML 5

by night.kame, 5 comments

Translation into plain English: We’re not worried about HTML 5 because we know IE will never support it.

C'est en effet bien parti pour.

21 June 2009

19 June 2009

Reinventing Fire » Platform Games

by tehu, 1 comment

HTML5 is not a technical achievement, it’s a social movement.

Laissé dans le noir par Adobe, Doug Schepers (Mr SVG au W3C) voit de la lumière dans la pièce d'à côté.

11 June 2009

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