April 2010
html5-slides - Project Hosting on Google Code
by ghis (via)Slide deck of HTML5 features and next generation features of Web Development, including Javascript APIs, HTML tags and CSS. Very useful for presentations as each slide is interactive. Initially meant to show bleeding edge features in Google Chrome although there might be fallback code for other browsers. It has the Chrome Frame tag so it works in IE too.
Source code of : http://apirocks.com/html5/html5.html#slide1
Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage
by Yann_L & 13 othersBibliothèque javascript pour créer graphiques interactifs. Nécessite Jquery ou Mootools.
Par le créateur de Highslide JS
gratuit pour utilisation non commerciale, payant sinon.
March 2010
An Introduction To CSS Sprites
by sylvainulg & 1 otherAn Introduction To CSS Sprites
[div class=”facebook icon”][/div]
and in the CSS
.icon {
... float, margin, width and the like ...
.facebook {background-position:-20 0}
mostly useless for one-shot pictures, however. That's definitely not for "cropping a picture live".
February 2010
January 2010
Code a Backwards Compatible, One Page Portfolio with HTML5 and CSS3 – Inspect Element - Web Design & Development Blog
by sylvainulg (via)Une choutte explication des fonctions principales de HTML5 (en dehors de la balise [video])
CSScharts - bar charts created with pure CSS
by nhoizeyFor a project I am working on right now I needed to have really fast bar charts that don't need any plugins or rely heavily on JavaScript. This is why I've put together some bar charts in pure CSS.
December 2009
Les standards HTML et CSS des origines à mercredi dernier
by nhoizey"HTML et CSS : d'où ils viennent, comment ils sont apparus et pourquoi il faut du champagne cher pour les faire évoluer