December 2007
June 2007
"De Litura Rerum", Pierre Gonzales
by schmul.netRetranscription du séminaire de Jacques Lacan "D'un discours qui ne serait pas du semblant", séance du 12 mai 1971 : 'Lituraterre'
December 2006
September 2006
Comparing XML office document formats: HTML, ODF, WordML, FO, Word2007 - O'Reilly XML Blog
by nhoizey (via)People want to know how easy it is to convert from the kind of XML they generate into other purposes. So I loaded a simple HTML file with headings, paragraph, table and list and converted it to various office XML(ish) formats: HTML (through Word 2000), WordML (through Word 2003), pre-standard ODF (SWT, through Open Office 2.0.2), ODF (through Open Office 2.0.2), as XML from the Office 2007 beta, and to XSL-FO using HTML2FO.
(4 marks)