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PUBLIC MARKS with tags hs:math & Podcasts

06 October 2006 09:15

Podcast channel: Maths in Motion

by knann
These podcasts are aimed at parents who wish to help their children with mathematics. They have been created and produced by Millthorpe School, York in the UK. The school caters for young people 11-16 years of age and has dual specialist status for Languages and Science

04 October 2006 10:45


by knann
Mathcasts can Help students learn & review math. Help teachers collaborate & improve their teaching. Help parents help their children and enable them to see examples of their childrens' work. was created to give students a library of math tutorials and problem solutions and to give teachers a place to share their methods for teaching & learn from others. It's also a place where students & teachers can contribute and organize sets of movies for others or themselves to use.

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last mark : 26/11/2006 12:27