public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags hardware & design


One-hand Keyboard

by sbrothier
It's a pocket-sized, wearable keyboard supported and operated with one hand. It produces all the usual characters with relatively few keys which are pressed in groups, i.e., chords. Production models would include (at least) a miniature joystick or other mouse-like abilities.

Maltron Keyboards - Special needs

by sbrothier (via)
MALTRON single handed keyboards have been developed as a logical step forward to meet the needs of those who must perform keyboard operations with one hand.

Le Nintendo Revolution Controller

by sunny
Ne ratez pas la video de la prochaine folie de Nintendo : le controlleur que même ton grand père il pourrait jouer avec

Apple - Mighty Mouse

by sbrothier & 6 others
Meet the mouse that reinvented the wheel. The scroll wheel, that is. At $49, Mighty Mouse features the revolutionary Scroll Ball that lets you move anywhere inside a document, without lifting a finger. And with touch-sensitive technology concealed under the seamless top shell, you get the programability of a four-button mouse in a single-button design. Click, roll, squeeze and scroll. This mouse just aced the maze.

Apple - Mighty Mouse

by sunny & 6 others
Voici la nouvelle souris d'apple :) Comme quoi avec un seul bouton elle peut faire tout comme les grandes !

L'écran enroulable de dans deux ans

by sbrothier & 1 other
Philips est tout heureux. La société d'électronique et d'électroménager vient d'annoncer que Polymer Vision, l'une de ses filiales, vient de faire de gros progrès en matière d'écrans souples.

Optimus keyboard

by kaihsyn & 29 others
使用OLED當鍵盤螢幕, 很讚的設計!

Interview | Artemy Lebedev on "The Optimus Keyboard"

by sbrothier & 1 other
Hopefully our keyboard will show the light in a year or so.

An interview with the people who designed the Optimus keyboard

by François Hodierne (via)
Not just a concept, it will exist in a year or so for a cost of 200-300$

Optimus keyboard

by sbrothier & 29 others
Every key of the Optimus keyboard is a stand-alone display showing exactly what it is controlling at this very moment.

by sbrothier & 7 others (via)
notebooks / pda / audio-vidéo / accessories / gadgets / mac stuff / second hand

Koskoz Place

by koskoz
The french blog of koskoz. There are design, programation, computer, hardware and intenret in this blog.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag hardware

adsl +   bande passante +   informatique +   internet +   test +