public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags greasemonkey & firefox

07 February 2006

03 February 2006

30 January 2006

Juicy Studio: Greasemonkey User Script to Manage Access Keys

by nhoizey (via)
this is a nifty Greasemonkey script that not only exposes access keys used on the website you're visiting, but you can edit them to suit your preferences

Greasemonkey compiler

by zxs & 28 others
Greasemonkey 制作firefox插件。

Greasemonkey compiler

by dylan_song & 28 others
Greasemonkey 制作firefox插件。

27 January 2006

Greasemonkey compiler

by cascamorto & 28 others (via)
Un compileur de script greasemonkey en extension firefox : creation de xpi

25 January 2006

Blogmarks - Outils tiers pour

by cascamorto
Intégration de Bloglines et - Menu popup pour publier sur Hotlinks. - Extension Firefox => - Script Greasemonkey BlogmarksInGoogle

22 January 2006


by catalonestudio & 14 others
This script adds to the Google results page last marks wich have tags similar to the terms searched in Google.

20 January 2006 - Universal Repository

by bittercrash & 3 others
Welcome to the repository for ... userscripts! This is still in development, so ... have fun!

18 January 2006


by François Hodierne
neutralize ping attempts in Firefox 1.6+

16 January 2006

Stylish - Firefox Extention

by macroron & 3 others
Stylish is to CSS what Greasemonkey is to JavaScript. Stylish allows you to easily manage user styles for the application UI, all websites, or only certain websites. Stylish is better than using userChrome.css/userContent.css because styles are applied im

15 January 2006

11 January 2006 BlogmarksInGoogle

by Ganf & 14 others
Ajouter blogmarks dans google via greasemonkey

09 January 2006

Blogmarks encore mieux intégré à Google avec BlogmarksInGoogle 0.3 - Gastero Prod

by srcmax & 9 others
Recherchez sur Blogmarks et Google en même temps avec ce script pour l'extension gresemonkey de firefox qui affiche les résultats de blogmarks sur la page de google

O'Reilly Network: Avoid Common Pitfalls in Greasemonkey

by Ganf
XPCNativeWrapper, sécurité de grease monkey et des extensions firefox

03 January 2006