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August 2008

gNewSense Official Website | Main:fr / gNewSense

by cascamorto
Une distribution GNU/Linux qui retire toutes les taches non-libres d'une distribution assez populaire [Ubuntu] et la rend libre.

NimbleX - The New Wave of Linux !

by cascamorto (via)
NimbleX is a Slackware-based mini live CD which is able to boot from a mini CD, USB storage device or from another computer on the Local Area Network. Its main features are small size, a varied selection of software packages, and good hardware support. KDE is the default desktop environment available in NimbleX. The included alternative desktops are: Enlightenment 17, Enlightenment 16, EDE, IceWM, Fluxbox, Openbox and TWM. You can build your own custom OS with a couple of clicks. As easy as it gets! :) Custom NimbleX is based on 2007v2!

June 2008

eAR OS Free Edition and eAR RT-OS Enterprice Edition

by cascamorto & 2 others
eAR OS is a state-of-the-art Operating System. It can run directly from a Live-CD and optionally be installed to a hard disk. That means you can try it out before you install it - for FREE! eAR OS comes with the very advanced and beautifully simple to operate eAR Media Center. Furthermore, eAR OS comes with the newest version of following applications: Wine for using Windows applications, Audacity Sound and Recording Editor, Audio CD extractor with FLAC and MP3 support, k3B CD- and DVD Burner, Kaffeine for DVB-S and DVB-T TV and DVD playback, VLC for Broadband TV, Exaile audio player, Firefox Webbrowser with mediaplayer connectivity, Thunderbird E-mail/News, Pidgin internet Messenger for MSN, F-Spot Photo Manager, GIMP Image Editor, auto-started Firewall and several utilities and accessories. With its package manager you can further install more than 15000 applications via the internet for FREE! eAR Media Center is running out-of-the-box. Tune-in the digital TV programs and rip some CD's to the hard disk in lossless FLAC quality or MP3, watch Digital TV and DVD's, listen to Internet Radio, view Photos, listen to Music while surfing the Internet, and Enjoy :-)

April 2008

Je Suis Libre - -

by cascamorto & 2 others
J'ai créé ce site car j'avais du mal à trouver des applications (contributions) francophones pour GNU/Linux. Ce site référence les contributions libres des développeurs francophones pour BeOs,GNU/Linux, BSD, Unix, Mac Os, Windows et les Pockets. Pour que votre contribution soit acceptée par le modérateur, il faut que celle-ci (application, documentation) soit en français ainsi que son site web.

February 2008

January 2008

XML Copy Editor

by parmentierf & 1 other
ML Copy Editor is a fast, free, validating XML editor

Passez à GNU/Linux !

by parmentierf & 6 others (via)
GNU/Linux, ou simplement Linux, est une alternative à Microsoft Windows®. Il est facile à utiliser et donne plus de liberté aux utilisateurs. Linux est libre et gratuit : n'importe qui peut l'installer.

December 2007

Parted Magic

by cascamorto
Parted Magic is a Linux LiveCD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives. Optimized at approximately 30MB, the Parted Magic OS employs core programs of GParted and Parted to handle partitioning tasks with ease, while featuring other useful programs (e.g. Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, ddrescue, etc.) and an excellent set of documentation to benefit the user. An extensive collection of fileystem tools are also included, as Parted Magic supports the following: ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs , jfs, linux-swap, ntfs, reiserfs, reiser4, and xfs.


by cascamorto
LinuxTracker is a FREE linux download resource by bittorrent

November 2007

freetorrent - Torrents

by cascamorto
Freetorrent est un projet basé sur le partage et la promotion des logiciels libres et des contenus libres sous licence libre ET sous Licence Libre de Diffusion (LLD) (pour tout système : Microsoft Windows™, Gnu/Linux, Mac OS, xBSD, ...). Freetorrent propose de rassembler et de rendre ces médias disponibles par l'intermédiaire du réseau Peer to peer en utilisant le protocole Bittorrent et souhaite ainsi créer une dynamique communautaire culturelle libre, pour tous, par tous.

Simple comme Ubuntu - Livre Libre - Framabook

by cascamorto & 2 others (via)
Ce livre permet de découvrir Ubuntu, une distribution Linux facile à utiliser même par des débutants. Basé sur la dernière version stable du système d'exploitation, il contient plus de 300 pages et de nombreuses copies d'écran.

October 2007

MySQL AB :: MySQL GUI Tools Downloads

by parmentierf & 1 other
This is the MySQL GUI Tools Bundle for 5.0. It includes the following products. * MySQL Administrator 1.2 Generally Available (GA) * MySQL Query Browser 1.2 Generally Available (GA) * MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1 Generally Available (GA)

Mixxx | Free Digital DJ Software

by cascamorto
Mixxx is an open source DJ tool designed for both professional and amateur DJs alike. Mixxx allows DJs to mix music live with a clean, simple interface. Futhermore, Mixxx has a number of key features to help DJs in the mix: Beat estimation, parallel visual displays, and support for various DJ hardware controllers.


by cascamorto & 32 others, 1 comment
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s). Redirecting the mouse and keyboard is as simple as moving the mouse off the edge of your screen. Synergy also merges the clipboards of all the systems into one, allowing cut-and-paste between systems. Furthermore, it synchronizes screen savers so they all start and stop together and, if screen locking is enabled, only one screen requires a password to unlock them all. Learn more about how it works. Synergy is open source and released under the GNU Public License (GPL). System Requirements * Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me (the Windows 95 family) * Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP (the Windows NT family) * Mac OS X 10.2 or higher * Unix o X Windows version 11 revision 4 or up o XTEST extension (use "xdpyinfo | grep XTEST" to check for XTEST) All systems must support TCP/IP networking. "Unix" includes Linux, Solaris, Irix and other variants.

September 2007 : le site des cours et tutoriaux informatique

by cascamorto & 3 others
# Tutoriaux Débutant # Tutoriaux Internet # Tutoriaux Ergonomie # Tutoriaux Linux # Tutoriaux Réseaux # Tutoriaux JavaScript # Télécharger des cours # Forum Misfu # Annuaire informatique # Annuaire internet Formation Bureautique # Cours Excel # Cours Word # Cours PowerPoint # OpenOffice (Texte) # OpenOffice (Tableur)

Download KBackup 0.5.2 for Linux - KBackup is a program that lets you back up any directories or files. - Softpedia

by cascamorto
KBackup is a program that lets you back up any directories or files, whereby it uses an easy to use directory tree to select the things to back up. The program was designed to be very simple in its use so that it can be used by non-computer experts. The storage format is the well known TAR format, whereby the data is still stored in compressed format (bzip2 or gzip).

BG-Rescue Linux

by cascamorto
BG-Rescue Linux is a Busybox and uClibc-based rescue system with kernel 2.4.26 which supports the NTFS 2.1.6b driver. It is loaded either from two floppy disks or from one 2.8MB El Torito CD. The system runs entirely in RAM.

Trinity Rescue Kit | CPR for your computer

by cascamorto & 1 other
Trinity Rescue Kit or TRK is a free live Linux distribution that aims specifically at recovery and repair operations on Windows machines, but is equally usable for Linux recovery issues. Here 's a sumup of some of the most important features, new and old: -easily reset windows passwords (backup and restore option in 3.3) -4 different virusscan products integrated in a single uniform commandline with online update capability (5 in version 3.3) -full ntfs write support thanks to ntfs-3g (all other drivers included as well) -clone NTFS filesystems over the network -wide range of hardware support (kernel and recent kudzu hwdata) -easy script to find all local filesystems -self update capability to include and update all virusscanners -full proxyserver support. -run a samba fileserver (windows like filesharing) -run a ssh server -recovery and undeletion of files with utilities and procedures -recovery of lost partitions -evacuation of dying disks -UTF-8 international character support. -2 rootkit detection uitilities (version 3.3). -elaborated documentation (+manpages as of 3.3). -elaborated documentation New features include boot TRK from a TRK over PXE, more hardware support with kernel 2.6.25, completely rewritten winpass, another extra virusscan engine (Vexira), making a total of 5 scan engines, 2 rootkit detection utils and lots more utils and bugfixes.

SCENARI - Accueil

by cascamorto & 2 others
SCENARI est un environnement logiciel libre de conception de chaînes éditoriales numériques permettant la création de documents multimédia à usage professionnel : PAO, elearning, ...

Virtual Box devient opensource | Korben

by onizuka & 1 other
Ce concurrent direct à VMWare et VirtualPC vient de passer en version OpenSource. VirtualBox est ce qu’on appelle un outil de virtualisation. Cela signifie que via ce logiciel, vous pouvez faire tourner Windows (Vista y compris), Linux, OS/1 Warp, OpenBSD, Linux et FreeBSD aussi bien sur PC équipé de Windows ou d’un Linux. Cette machine virtuelle developpée par la société allemande InnoTek existe en 2 versions. Une version open source (libre et gratuite) et une version complète (payante) avec des options en plus pour les entreprises.

UDP Cast

by cascamorto
UDPcast is a file transfer tool that can send data simultaneously to many destinations on a LAN. This can for instance be used to install entire classrooms of PC's at once. The advantage of UDPcast over using other methods (nfs, ftp, whatever) is that UDPcast uses Ethernet's multicast abilities: it won't take longer to install 15 machines than it would to install just 2. UDPcast is released under the GPL 2.0 license. Parts of the code (fec.c) falls under a BSD-like license.

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