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PUBLIC MARKS with tags gr3 & "teacher resource"


Planets, Moons, and their Darksides

by knann (via)
The activities will enable the teacher to: position the nine planets interactively demonstrate the phases of the moon show that the moon orbits the Earth roughly every 28 days illustrate to pupils that the Earth spins on its own axis show that day and night are related to the Earth's rotation

Planets in Our Solar System

by knann (via)
Webquest for third grade. One or two links do not work.

Planet Image Cards

by knann
Perfect images for the Size and Distance Activity located here:

Surrounded by Beauty: Arts of Native America

by knann
Although the text may be too sophisticated for younger students, clicking on the map will bring up some beautiful images of artistic creations from the region.


NLVM: Interactive Number Grid

by knann
This virtual manipulative displays a grid containing numbers from 1 to 200. You can use it to explore patterns and relationships involving multiples. Great for whole class.Click Instructions.

The Illustrated Materials Database

by knann
The Materials Database allows pupils to interrogate an illustrated database of the properties of everyday materials. At the simplest level they can click on a property to view all materials which have that property. Use the Teacher section for loads of lesson print materials.

Exploring Math With Technology

by knann
Grades 3-5 provides a variety of resources linked to the NCTM standards

Project Interactivate for Elementary Math Topics

by knann
Activities from Project Interactivate can be used to explore the topics covered in elementary grades 3-5 mathematics. The lesson ideas are still a work in progress but all of the activities are aligned with suggested grade levels.

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last mark : 21/05/2009 09:13