January 2006
GECard Carte de visite Google Earth
by Dany & 2 othersGénérez votre carte de visite au format Google Earth: GECard
Le lien GECard entrainera l'ouverture de Google Earth (ce logiciel doit être installé sur l'ordinateur de l'internaute) et l'affichage de votre carte de visite, là où vous l'avez spécifié. Le lien "site internet" que vous pouvez indiquer dans vos coordonnées sera cliquable dans Google Earth. Vous pouvez par exemple utiliser cette carte de visite en signature sur vos e-mails ou vos messages sur les forums.
Geotagging Flickr photos with Google Earth
by jasontromm & 2 others (via)Google Earth is by far the best source of geographic information on the web. Combined with the Flickrmap Geotagger you can easily add geographic information or "geotags" to your own Flickr photos.
December 2005
November 2005
October 2005
Indian President Sees Google Earth as Security Threat
by jmaddockAbdul Kalam, the president of India, has recently mentioned some concerns he has regarding Google Earth, the free satellite-mapping service provided by the world’s leading search engine.
September 2005
UK Autumn Colours in Google Earth
by jasontromm (via)With the Northern Hemisphere Autumn (aka Fall to our friends in North America) fast approaching, we are planning some trips to see the rich colour of autumnal foliage in as many areas of Britain as possible.
La France vue par satellites
by banzai & 4 others (via)localisation des villes françaises sur google maps
August 2005
by nachilau & 1 otherGoogle Earth hacks. Contains a lot of downloads for google earth.
Google Earth KML Documentation
by Krome & 4 others (via)KML, or Keyhole Markup Language, is an XML grammar and file format for modeling and storing geographic features such as points, lines, images and polygons for display in the Google Earth Client.
Google Earth KML Documentation
by nhoizey & 4 others (via)KML, or Keyhole Markup Language, is an XML grammar and file format for modeling and storing geographic features such as points, lines, images and polygons for display in the Google Earth Client.