public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags google & blog

January 2009

Google-blog-converters-appengine |

by simon_bricolo & 2 others
open source project that can take blogs from most popular platforms and convert them to other popular ones.

google-blog-converters-appengine - Google Code

by srcmax & 2 others
This project contains a number of converters to and from different Blog services. The code is written in Python with scripts to execute the conversions either on the command-line, through a Windows batch script, or hosted on Google App Engine.

December 2008

Recherche universelle : des résultats blogs sur - Actualité référencement par WebRankInfo

by srcmax (via)
Après les désormais classiques résultats issus de Google Actualités, Google Maps, YouTube et autres Google Images, voici désormais des résultats issus des blogs directement dans la page de SERP de Google.

Official Google Enterprise Blog: Maps without keys

by srcmax
As we continue to expand the capabilities of Google Maps API Premier, such as offering access over https and supporting unlimited address-level reverse geocoding, we see that our users increasingly host applications across a large number of domains. In the past, Google Maps API sites have required that an an associated key be provided whenever the API is used, which required managing multiple keys for various domains. We've heard that this process can be cumbersome, and in response, we've introduced maps without keys, exclusively for Premier users.

November 2008

SEO 12 astuces pour que google trouve mon blog

by camel & 1 other (via)
Tout blogueur se doit d’avoir quelques notions de SEO (Searche Engine Optimization), traduire : “faire en sorte que vous figuriez le plus haut possible dans les résultats de recherche du moteur google. Je vous expose un peu dans ce billet ce que je fais ou j’ai fait pour optimiser mon blog et mes billets en terme de SEO. Si je l’ai fait, vous pouvez le faire également, je ne suis pas un expert du domaine et ce que j’explique ici n’est pas compliqué (à part peut-être les deux derniers points)

Official Google Blog: SearchWiki: make search your own

by srcmax & 1 other
Have you ever wanted to mark up Google search results? Maybe you're an avid hiker and the trail map site you always go to is in the 4th or 5th position and you want to move it to the top. Or perhaps it's not there at all and you'd like to add it. Or maybe you'd like to add some notes about what you found on that site and why you thought it was useful. Starting today you can do all this and tailor Google search results to best meet your needs.

October 2008

Google Analytics Plugins, Hacks and Tips Collection | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog

by julie & 2 others
Google Analytics provides some great information about what is happening on your website. But what if you want to take it to the next level? Thanks to the many smart people who have created these wonderful hacks and plugins to get you some powerful additions to Google Analytics. Please note most of these need the truly awesome GreaseMonkey FireFox extension.

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: First Click Free for Web Search

by srcmax (via)
First Click Free is designed to protect your content while allowing you to include it Google's search index. To implement First Click Free, you must allow all users who find your page through Google search to see the full text of the document that the user found in Google's search results and that Google's crawler found on the web without requiring them to register or subscribe to see that content

September 2008


by keusta & 2 others (via)
Bienvenue sur Goopilation, Les équipes de chez Google adorent écrire sur leurs divers produits, et ont créé un blog pour chacun d'eux. Cela fait beaucoup de blogs à lire ! Avec Goopilation (Google Compilation) retrouvez les principaux titres de l'actualité Google, et le tout en français.


by srcmax & 2 others
Les équipes de chez Google adorent écrire sur leurs divers produits, et ont créé un blog pour chacun d'eux. Cela fait beaucoup de blogs à lire ! Avec Goopilation (Google Compilation) retrouvez les principaux titres de l'actualité Google, et le tout en français.

Official Google Blog: Google Chrome now live

by srcmax (via)

In yesterday's post on Google Chrome, we promised to let you know when it would be available for everyone to try -- and that time is now

Official Google Blog: A fresh take on the browser

by srcmax & 2 others (via)

So why are we launching Google Chrome? Because we believe we can add value for users and, at the same time, help drive innovation on the web.

August 2008

July 2008

Christian Fauré » Blog Archive » Knol : le jour où Google tua Wikipedia

by CharlesNepote

Charles Nepote ven, 25 juil 2008 11:19:55 CEST

Christian a décidé d’être taquin aujourd’hui mais ça ne prend pas ;) Pour ma part je n’ai pas du tout été convaincu… Les objectifs de Knol et de Wikipédia sont vraiment très différents. Mes motivations d’utilisateur et de contributeur wikipédia sont très étrangères aux propositions de Google. Un peu en vrac et à chaud. [...]

June 2008

Real World Haskell » Blog Archive » CUFP 2007 videos now easier to view

by greut

[…] the recorded sessions from last year’s Commercial Users of Functional Programming are now up in conveniently viewable form on Google Video.

Erlang, F#, ...

Official Google Docs Blog: Embed your forms

by kasi77
Since we launched spreadsheet forms in January, one of the top user questions has been "How can I embed my form into a website or blog?" Last night, we added this option. You'll see this new feature during form creation, when you're prompted to invite people to fill out your form. Just skip the invitation step and look for "Embed" in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Paste the code provided into your blog or website.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag google

3d +   architecture +   carte +   conception +   développement +   map +   mashup +   éditeur +   plan +   rss +   widget +