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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "gestion de projet" & webdev



by rmaltete & 2 others
Project management software, free timesheet time tracking, bug tracking, collaboration software, gantt chart


37signals : ce qu'ils ont appris, dans conferences, life hacks, traduction sur BioloGeek, l'avis d'un freelance passionné par le web et son évolution.

by parmentierf & 6 others
Traduction des conseils recueillis par Kris Jordan et issus de la Web 2.0 Expo où Jason Fried donnait une conférence intitulée Things We’ve Learned at 37signals. Beaucoup de bon sens au final mais qu'il est bon de rappeler et de relire lorsqu'on a la tête dans le guidon. Il faudra peut-être que j'écrive mon Getting Real un de ces 4 car il y a certaines bonnes pratiques qui méritent à mon avis d'être diffusées.


FastTrack Schedule 9

by rmaltete
FastTrack Schedule 9 makes it easy to organize, manage, and present project plans. Click-and-drag to enter tasks, deadlines, and assignments, or choose from over 30 example schedules and templates to organize your projects quickly. Whether you're new to project management or an experienced project manager, you'll produce impressive schedules in no time.



by rmaltete & 1 other
Open Source Project and Task Management Software dotProject is built using free open-source applications and is produced and maintained by a small, but dedicated group of volunteers. dotProject is programmed in PHP, and utilises MySQL for a backend database (although other databases such as Postgres could also be used). Our recommended server platform includes Apache 1.3.27, PHP 4.2 , and MySQL. In the spirit of free, peer-reviewed, open source application development, we would also encourage you to use an operating system such as Linux, FreeBSD, or OpenBSD. However, additional operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and other flavours of *nix are also supported.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "gestion de projet"

dev +   développement +   gestion du temps +   mac +   open-source +   php +   webdev +  

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last mark : 24/04/2009 20:16

last mark : 05/11/2008 15:09