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PUBLIC MARKS with tag gaza


Une allusion à la bombe atomique provoque une vive émotion côté palestinien sur

by Nessy
"Nous devons combattre le Hamas comme les Etats-Unis ont combattu les Japonais pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale", recommande le député israélien Avigdor Lieberman. Une déclaration "aussi disproportionnée" que "les actions sanglantes contre le peuple à Gaza", commente un ancien ministre palestinien.

Arrêt sur images - et les commentaires sur Gaza

by srcmax (via)
Oui, c’est vrai, au service web du journal, nous avons bloqué les commentaires sur les articles en ligne traitant du conflit israélo-palestinien. Impossible de donner son point de vue, de critiquer, de défendre telle ou telle partie. Certains y ont vu une atteinte à la liberté d’expression, d’autres ont crié à la censure

Gaza / Israel : BHL sous les bombes - vanchopila (tions)

by vancho
Notre reporter “indépendant” national BHL avec pour seul bagage son courage et son sens du déplacement entend comme à son habitude défendre les plus faibles en se rendant à leur côté sous les bombes de Tsahal à Gaza-ville directement.


Gaza - Wikipédia

by srcmax
Webdocumentaire Gaza\Sderot : la vie malgré tout - Les chroniques vidéos courtes (2mn) de Gaza et Sderot, pour suivre la vie de cinq personnes (hommes, femmes et enfants) de chaque ville.

Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by srcmax
Gaza Sderot - Life in Spite of Everything ( 2008)

Life must go on in Gaza and Sderot

by srcmax
This blog is written by 2 friends. One lives in Sajaia refugee camp in Gaza and the other lives in Sderot, a small town near Gaza on the Israeli side.

Arte : des projets à la pelle - Le fil télévision - Télé

by alexandre
Plus radical encore, le programme Gaza/Sderot, conçu pour l’heure uniquement pour le Web. L’idée : raconter le quotidien de la population dans ces deux villes, l’une en Palestine, l’autre en Israël, en utilisant Internet pour rapprocher et faire se parler deux communautés qui ont du mal à se rencontrer. Chaque jour, pendant deux mois, de courtes chroniques, sortes de tranches de vies de 2 minutes, seront mises en ligne.



US Officers planned the Beit Hanoun Massacre

by sabbah
If you find the images in this article revolting, like me, think of the people in Palestine see such images on a daily basis not as pictures but live and anywhere they go, and that this genocide is supported equally by ALL western countries, the EU and the UN. Your taxes are very probably financing what you see here. Speak with your politicians if you do not like what you see. When the the psychopaths and moral degenerates who commit these acts with the help of your governments stop commiting them, I (and others) will stop publishing these images.

Autumn Clouds lead to Gaza Tsunami

by sabbah
This morning only, Israel killed 19 Palestinians in Gaza, including 14 Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli tank fire. Women and children were among the dead in the Gaza Strip. The total number of Martyrs in the last 7 days is over 70. Do you still need any more proofs that “Israeli IS a Terrorist State lead by ELECTED Terrorist“? Isn’t it time for your action?

Gaza Autumn Clouds: Why, how, who?

by sabbah
More than 40 martyr up to date. The world is silent, barefacedly! The Palestinian crime is Fighting Israel OCCUPATION! Israel has killed 2,300 Gazans over the past six years, including 300 in the last four months. Five Israelis were killed during the same period (six years) by Qassam rockets, which Israel is now claiming to put an end to. More disturbing news is the entry into the Israeli government of Avigdor Lieberman, as deputy prime minister. He is a Russian immigrant best known for recommended flooding Egypt by bombing the Aswan Dam and his solution to transfer Palestinians out of Israel so as to create an ethnically pure country. He has advocated death for any Arab members of the Knesset. In any truly democratic country he would be denounced and shunned as a dangerous fascist.

Film-maker 'murdered' by IOF

by sabbah
Two years after James Miller was shot dead (shot three years ago - 2 May, 2003) while making a documentary on the region (for the American cable giant HBO), his film has been honoured with three Emmy awards. Death in Gaza looks at the lives of three children at the Rafah refugee camp caught up in the cycle of violence between the Israeli army and Palestinian fighters, and documents the killing of the 34-year-old British documentary maker. Initial findings from an Israeli Occupation Forces investigation into the affair claimed that the correspondent was shot in the back, and suggested that he may have been hit by Palestinian gunfire. Another Briton who had been with Mr Miller said they were waving a white flag and moving towards an Israeli armoured vehicle when it opened fire. By chance, the team were being filmed by an agency stringer from APTN. The videotape proves that there is no crossfire. They were wearing helmets and flak jackets littered with TV signs. The Israeli army has, thanks to the Americans, some of the best night vision technology in the world. Their kit turns nights into day. James was shot in the front of his neck by an Israeli bullet and was mortally wounded. No soldier has been disciplined or charged and in court the cameraman’s family have accused Israel of a coverup, claiming there is evidence that his killer is Lieutenant Heib of the Israeli occupation force. Finaly, few days ago, and after three years of shooting James, a UK court rules that IOF shooting of the filmmaker was a deliberate cold-blooded murder.

Is Intel chatting to Hamas?

by zboog
WE ARE INTERESTED to note that the story that Intel is to set up a $1 million training facility in the Gaza Strip was picked up by AP today and has subsequently appeared in a number of news outlets, including on these very pages.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag gaza

beit hanoun +   israel +   massacre +   palestine +   terror +   terrorism +   terrorist +   War Crimes +   zionism +  

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